"A whole body program that offers health for life!"

🔊MAKE SURE YOUR SOUND IS ON! Watch this short presentation from the creator and professional YouTube chef, author and international health coach, Anja Cass of Cooking With Plants!

Confused about your weight-loss struggles?

Are You SICK & TIRED Of…

Trying different diets but nothing seems to work?

Watching what you eat but you still put on weight?

Struggling to keep away from processed foods?

Being controlled by your cravings?

Not knowing how to change bad eating habits?

Feeling unhappy and fed up with your body?

Lacking energy to live life to the full each day?

Cheating on yourself by turning to food for comfort?

Feeling stressed and lacking support from those around you?

Not truly giving yourself the love and care that you deserve?

Confused about how to easily stay fit physically and mentally?

This was me back in 2012...


Yes me. I didn't become 50 pounds overweight overnight. And I didn’t end up with a bulging aorta in my heart from living a healthy lifestyle.


I used to buy BBQ chickens in bulk, I’d eat bacon, sausages and eggs for breakfast, I’d load anything baked in the oven with cheese (and sometimes even top that with crushed potato crisps and extra bacon).


I was addicted to food!


... And I had no control.

In fact, in 2012, I went on a 3 month holiday to Germany.



I was actually born there so most of my relatives are still there. Being the kind hearted, loving family they are, they would load me up with mountains of food every day. And I couldn’t say no right?


I just thought I was having fun and enjoying myself… but that couldn’t have been any further from the truth.


I was actually making myself fat and sick.


Every meal was loaded with meat, dairy, bread, and followed by loads of desserts and treats as far as the eye could see. But what was about to happen would change my life FOREVER!

When I came back to Australia...

I started getting severe migraines. I couldn’t concentrate. I was sluggish and I felt really flat and low on energy.


It was even a struggle to keep on the FAKE smile.


I was sick and tired all the time, feeling my energy levels dragging me further and further behind in life and I struggled with diet after diet, only to put on more and more weight and binge eating myself to sleep at night

So I went to the doctor....


I told him everything I was suffering with. He listened carefully, and did a full check up.


But it was when he started listening to my heart, that’s when his face changed. As he was listening, he looked at me strangely, then he listened again.


Finally he said, I think you have a heart murmur. I‘m going to send you to get an ultrasound of your heart.


I had no idea what all that meant, but I had a pretty good idea that it wasn’t anything good. So off I went and had my ultrasound done.


A few days later the doctor called me back to his office for an urgent appointment. I nervously walked into his office and sat down. He shuffled his papers around and then he told me the news that would change my life forever!


I still remember his words so clearly: “You have a buldging aorta.” If this keeps increasing, it can rupture.


What? I asked him loads of questions and eventually went into shock. This meant, I could die if things didn’t change.


I was only 39 at the time and my son was only 9 years old. I was too young to have this, my son needs his mother, my family need me, I’m not ready for an early grave.


So many thoughts were buzzing through my mind. I was confused and I was SCARED!



After I left the doctor's office...



I started to do LOADS of research!

I needed to find out how I could get healthy again...


So after I left the doctor’s office, I started to do loads of research.


Every day, from morning till night. For weeks and weeks I searched high and low to find the best ways to reverse heart disease.

And everything kept pointing to a Plant Based Diet...

So I narrowed down a list of Whole Plant Based Foods and kept that list in my kitchen.


I combined it with my cooking skills and kitchen know how and started a whole new way of eating.


I also found simple ways to feed my family without adding extra stress to my meal planning and without the drama of cooking multiple different meals.


What I came up with was so simple that even my 9 your old son could do it...

I even started to track everything that I was eating!


And because family and friends wanted to know about my new regime, I decided to share what I was eating via Youtube so they could see my progress.


At that time I had no idea that other people would be interested in my recipes too and that it would grow into an international cooking show watched by millions of people!

All I knew was that this was actually working!!!


Within 5 months I lost over 50 pounds (and I’ve kept it off ever since)...


My cholesterol went back to normal, and I started to have so much energy that I actually wanted to start exercising for the first time in my life.


I couldn’t believe how great I was feeling.


Everything just started to fall into place.


This way of eating combined with my cooking and kitchen skills finally gave me back time and energy to live my life again...

I know this works. I’ve seen the results for myself and for my clients...


And I can’t wait to help you do the same.


When you follow the Body Boss Coaching secrets I’ll share with you, you will see the changes…


And You Can Start to Feel AMAZING too!

Get Excited Because
the Body Boss Online 6 Week Program

Will Make Sense Of The Weight Loss Confusion... 
And Bring Your Health Back
– the Easy and Fun Way!

The Body Boss 6 Week Online Program Is Your Answer to Feeling Good Again!

Do it for you today...

So What Does the ​6 Week
'Body Boss For Life'
Online Program Include?

$1,997 Value!

First of all, you’re going to get a 24/7 Body Boss membership Account. I’ll send you private log in details and you’ll be able to access this at any time of the day or night.


  • Daily Challenges

    Here you’ll be able to access your daily challenges. They’ll be videos, tasks and short activities for you to do each day. The daily challenges are fun, educational and are designed to motivate you and keep you accountable with your weight loss each and every day!

  • Relaxation and Exercise Guided Meditation Audios

    You’ll also get special relaxation and exercise motivation downloads. These work on your subconscious mind and have been specially created as part of the Body Boss program! You’ll be able to download these to your computer or phone and listen to these at any time you like! These are great for putting your will power on auto-pilot

  • Work Books and Cheat Sheets!

    You’ll also get easy workbooks and cheat sheets that you can print and save to your computer or phone. These will help keep things easy and will help you cook healthy meals, make good food choices and incorporate simple exercises and lifestyle changes in a flash!

  • Live Session Schedule & Replays!

    The member’s area also includes your weekly Masterclasses. These are one hour masterclass replays, including Q & A sessions from previous Body Boss clients so you can learn from others as well. You can watch the replays at ANY time that suits you… and as often as you like. To really reinforce your learning.


$297 Value!

You’ll also get full group support from both me and the other group member’s in our private Body Boss facebook group.


This can only be accessed by Body Boss enrolled members and graduates -all posts and comments are private within the group! You can share your struggles. You can share your successes. You can ask for support, and you can share as much or as little as you like.


Here's what Ricki shared in her Facebook Group about her progress...

You’ll also see me in the group and can ask me questions.

l do live sessions to show you what I’m eating, give you Cooking tips, meal prep ideas, motivation, inspiration and much much more!


Well, I’ve included that too!


I’ll take you through exactly how to use my SIMPLE 5 Plus mix and match Meal Plan System. This is a simple meal planner for rapid and sustained weight loss and health!


The “5 PLUS” Mix and Match Meal Plan System is the easiest way to build a healthy meal based on five fundamental nutrient dense food groups and flavor combinations that help you create tasty well balanced meals in a flash!

You simply pick your favorite ingredients from each section to form a healthy meal. It leaves you feeling full instead of hungry, and you can do it without giving up everything you love. If you know me and my recipes, then you know I like to keep things easy and tasty!


Whether it’s Italian, Asian, Mexican, Burger night, breakfast, lunch or dinner… you can just mix and match and create your meal.


You’ll even get a download of the plan sheet so you can stick it on your fridge and you’re ready to go at any time

$497 Value!

Here’s what Eli said about the planner… just note I’ve covered her photo for privacy reasons. After saying she doesn’t like cilantro, she says…

So you can see how this can save you time and frustration… remember, fun, practical and fast! This plan works and I already look forward to you using it too!


Well, that’s included too!


Each week I’ll cover a different topic during masterclass replays of high end Body Boss coaching sessions. You can log in and join me and past graduates during replays of weekly interactive one hour discussions and Q & A sessions.


We’ll cover everything from conscious eating, nutrient density, breaking bad habits, incorporating fun movement, meal planning and much more.

$1297 Value!

You can watch each replay in the member's area as often as you like to help take in all of the strategies I’m going to share with you.


I have one more thing for you... my printable food diary!


This is the exact same food diary that I used to lose over 50 pounds (24 kilos) and to keep it off since 2012. This will be included and yours absolutely FREE!



This food diary works wonders! Have a look at what it did for Debbie...

This exact food diary that I’m going to GIVE you today helped Debbie get her eating back on track. Debbie was in one of my previous groups and she’d been struggling with the right food choices for years.


With my input and feedback of her food diary, she could finally see where she was going wrong. How awesome is that right? Debbie now uses an adapted version of this food diary, as well as other coaching tips she learnt in the Body Boss program, to cook for her entire family - including her teenage kids and meat loving husband. This is so exciting because it just makes every day eating so easy!



Enroll Now... 

Enrollments are now open!

Get the health you've been looking for and actually have a fresh start for “You” starting today!

Janna was just like you not so long ago. She was shy and hated having photos taken. Within the first few weeks of starting the online challenge she started to see a lot of changes…


On the right you can see Janna’s update about a week after the Coaching finished, where she says…


"Weighed myself this morning and am now 20.4 pounds down.
That's a little more than 1/3 way to my goal. 
​Post walk photos below. Slowly getting rid of my belly and booty"


You can see the LIFE change that she has gone through!

Watch Ricki's Progress...


"I am so pleased to have this opportunity to join the Body Boss program with Anja Cass. It has helped me get back on track and eat more healthy plants and stay away from my addicting sweets. Thanks Anja!!!!!"

Sherrie's Doctor Rang Her With Urgent News!




Now ​I’m inviting YOU to be a part of the 6 Week Online Body Boss “healthy living” Program. You’ll get the plans, you’ll get the knowledge from my brain to yours, but more importantly you’ll get fun daily accountability tasks to keep you motivated and on track!

After years of yo-yo dieting and gaining more and more weight… I spun my life around from being an unhealthy and over-weight mother with clinically diagnosed heart disease, to an energetic international Plant-Based Lifestyle coach and meal mentor to hundreds of thousands of people world wide.

Since 2012 I’ve taught hundreds of thousands of people how to cook via my YouTube channel Cooking With Plants, as well as my international best-selling cookbooks and online courses.


By falling in love with a plant based lifestyle, I reversed my heart-disease and lost over 50 pounds by following some simple yet important guidelines and forming habits that are now on auto-pilot…


I know how hard it can be when you think you have the knowledge, you have the diet tips from magazines, books or other things that you’ve subscribed to, but you still can’t work out how to pull it all together and make it work for you.


It’s a very common scenario and what I find makes the difference, and research supports this, is that we need accountability.

Enrollments are now open!

Get the health you've been looking for and actually have a fresh start for “You” starting today.

Anja Cass - Cooking With Plants 
(Left 183lbs/83kg - Right 130lbs/59kg)

I'm now 50 pounds lighter, have gained boundless energy, sleep better and
feel absolutely amazing - every day!


I'm not here to brag or show off... 
​I'm here to help you to look and feel great too!

Enroll Now...

This is going to be exciting, motivating and 
you’ll be part of the

Body Boss Community!

As you go through the weekly modules, get ready to invest time into yourself, to pull yourself up to the top of the food chain and to make sure that your cup’s full first.


Enroll now and become a Body Boss!

I’d love to help you on this journey because, trust me, this works, the daily tasks work!
I know I’ve got the ability to actually help coach you through this, and
also the eating plans and the exercises and other things
I’ll inspire you to do daily for the next 6 weeks, will make the difference.

This might be the first step you’ve ever taken towards doing something like this, so it’s very courageous and I really respect you for that.


So let’s do this… let's get the results you're looking for.


Remember, it just takes one thing like this and your whole life will bloom and blossom.


This has worked for me, it has worked for my family, and it has worked for thousands of my followers all around the world. And now it could be your turn.


See you on the other side!

Enroll Now... 
You deserve the energy, health and vitality that's waiting for you!

Pay In Full Savers Enrollment!

  • NORMALLY $997...
    SAVE 75%

  • One Time Payment

  • Secure Checkout


OR 2 Payments
of $149/mth

  • 2 x $149 Monthly Payments

  • Secure Checkout

  • Mobile-Optimized


I even make this totally risk free for you. If you enroll today and you join the group, do the daily challenges and find that it is not for you within the first 14 days, then let me know, we'll talk about your concerns and if you're still not satisfied I’ll give you your money back. Because quite honestly, if I’m not getting you results, then I don’t deserve your money.

Frequently Asked questions?

When does the 6 week online program start and finish?

  • You can start at any time that you like. Most people like to start on a monday, but it's totally up to you. There are daily challenges for you to do, but they are completely self-paced and if life gets in the way, you can just get back to it when you can. You have access for a full year.

What if I'm away for some of the time?

  • That's fine. You can access the private member area any time and from anywhere. And you can watch the replays at any time convenient to you. This is designed to fit in with life!!

Why do you charge in US Dollars?

  • Although I'm based in Australia, I have customers in over 50 different countries. Not everyone from other countries recognizes Australian Dollars, but most people are familiar with US dollars ($) and how that equates to their own currency. Also, a large amount of my customers are based in the US.

  • NOTE: Consult your physician (or primary health-care provider) and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or nutrition plan, or using any supplement or meal replacement product, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have any medical condition, or are taking any medication. The contents of this Website and coaching program are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. None of the content on this Website prevents, cures or treats any mental or medical condition. While the results achieved and shown on this page are genuine and real, it does not guarantee that you will achieve the same results. Individual effort and results can vary.