Behavioural Profiling

When Results Count, Training Matters

This process was created after $30million of government backed research, and 20+ years of in-field development.  It was born out of an extreme need for precision, predictability, and results, with life or death hanging in the balance...

All our successes and failures go back to interactions with humans.

In counterintelligence operations, in life, and in business, our partner Chase Hughes noticed the three most common reasons people fail:

  • Failure to read a person or situation with greater clarity
  • Failure to maintain control and composure within ourselves
  • Failure to influence someone to get a desired outcome

This process is the signature of his core training, and at the centre of his elite government-only training.


We are the only instructors in the UK he has authorised to bring this material to the civilian world, equipping you with the skills to see further behind the curtain of human behaviour than you ever thought possible.

There's no failure, only feedback

Failure Happens By Ignoring Feedback

Your mission as a coach or influencer has one ultimate objective: 


Create behavioural change


Change is created by accurate, powerful, and purposeful communication.


However, most people don't know any better than to approach conversations as a turn-based game, waiting until the end to find out if they have been successful or if they've failed. 


They lose the sale, they get rejected, their client doesn't achieve or maintain the results they wanted.  


This is time-consuming at best, embarrassing and ineffective at worst.


How would your conversations change if you were able to create an accurate, comprehensive behavioural profile of a person within the first six minutes of meeting them?


Through the course of this training you will be able to elegantly uncover exactly what to say and do to make your suggestions, directions, and requests resonate with your client on a deep psychological and biochemical level.

What's Included?

All our courses include live, interactive weekly lessons, along with supervised practice groups to ensure that you gain the experience you need to confidently bring these skills into your daily life and reap the benefits.

  • Give people the gift of being seen more fully and truly than they have ever been seen before - remove guesswork and see thoughts and emotions that they would never admit out loud.

  • See the difference between truth and lies in real time as you create the frame for another person to feel safe being open, honest, and authentic with you.

  • Your rosetta stone to world-class communication - be coached by our resident memory expert and become confident in your mastery of a literally weapons-grade people reading tool.

  • Learn what a person's conversational themes, posture, and clothing reveal about their emotional needs, their desires, and their fears.

  • Gain the ability to tailor your communication to a person's unconscious strategies for making decisions and make sure that your mentoring and guidance always lands.

  • We reveal (and help you cultivate) the personality traits that have been proven to inspire automatic trust, openness, and compliance.

  • Develop and maintain your emotional centre of gravity and become unshakeable and grounded within yourself.

  • The influence and attraction tripwires that make the difference between being respected vs. disregarded.

  • Gain the ability to make clients comfortable and confident in opening up and telling you exactly what you need to know in order to help them.

  • Surgical communication skills, including de-escalation tactics and powerful linguistic techniques designed to leverage an individuals unique biochemistry and deep psychological make-up.

  • Turn body language into a two-way street and make your words 10x more compelling.  Most communication training teaches how to speak from one mask to another mask - discover how to connect from one complete human being to another.

  • Embody influence and weave powerful hypnotic processes into speech without using unnatural-sounding scripts or coming across as creepy. 

Wait...There's More!

We are committed to your success, and to providing the most elite, effective, and well supported online training available in the industry.


To ensure that you complete this training with absolute confidence in your world-class skills, we're including these bonuses.

We Are Here For As Long As You Need Us

Lifetime re-attendance for all future behavioural profiling group sessions, to answer your questions and learn cutting-edge techniques when they're hot off the press.

Enjoy 1:1 Mentoring Sessions With Behavioural Profilers

We all know that a one size fits all solution does not suit everyone well!

So we have your back with 6 month's worth of 1:1 mentoring calls with behavioural profilers trained personally by Chase Hughes! 

Military Grade Applied Skill Set Integrated With NLP

We combine hypnosis, behavioural profiling, and NLP techniques to support you in learning, embodying, and owning these skills - literally program your mind to be your greatest asset.

Unlimited Whatsapp Group Support

We are all about supporting you 110% on your journey! We promise to leave no question unanswered, and to provide you with the insights and support you need to become the superstar coach you can be.

What Our Clients Say

Having completed an online NLP video course previously, I was absolutely blown away by the level of information and quality of delivery that Lily and Jonam presented on their Advanced NLP Course. It has been incredible seeing the positive impact I can now make on the lives of those I care about, and upon my own, with the masterful skills learnt from their course. Their experience and knowledge is inspiring, and the enthusiastic way they deliver the information really infuses you with the confidence needed to make transformative change in your life.

Florence Driver

NLP Coach

This course isn't a case of reaching some academic level of excellence. It is a case of real and practical lessons that have excellent impact on your life and those you love. 
Why? Because once you know this you will find every opportunity to apply it.
It will be as much a part of your day as breathing!

Melinda Barb

Parent - Artist - Author

Lily and Jonam are so amazing at what they do. They have changed my life for the better! NLP has not only enhanced my work life but my whole life! I can’t recommend them enough!

It's mind altering to see the different ways that NLP can be used to enhance everyday life!

Laura Lake

Actress - Dancer - Photographer

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