"I'm here to flick the cosmic dominos"



You are a rare type, being about 8% of the population!


Similar to Projectors and Reflectors you are part of the minority of people who do not have their Sacral Centre defined. But you have the ability to tap into your own energy source.


Manifestors are true to their name, with an exceptional ability to manifest what you envision or desire. Think of yourself as the person who flicks the cosmic dominos, and the rest of the world are the dominos!


Your aura is designed to “protect” you, being closed and having a selective energy which means that only the people who are right for you will be in your life. The saying “I’m not for everyone” is true for you.


You are a true “doer” and in the past would have been in positions of power, starting revolutions, changing the course of history, and running kingdoms.


Since that energy has shifted (about 230 years ago) to a Generator dominated world, your gift as a Manifestor is more to carry out what your primal force and soul is here to do.


Think of it as your gift is to use you independance, manifesting ability and “take action” life force to create an impact.




You are here to make an impact!


Think of yourself as the one who flicks the cosmic dominos


Allow your soul time for deep rest


Let other people around you know what your ideas/vision is - not to ask permission - but to give them a chance to jump on your train!


Freedom to do as your soul desires is vital


Understanding your unique energy type is a fundamental baseline as you begin to delve into Human Design. This masterclass is an intensive headfirst dive into what it means to be a Manifestor, and how you can use that to flourish as as your unique, beautiful soul in this lifetime. 


Understanding your Human Design energy type is kind of like receiving your permission slip from the universe to finally be your true self. 



In the Masterclass:


-Masterclass as an audio & visual presentation for those who are visual learners.


-Downloadable audio of the masterclass to listen anywhere.


-PDF of the Masterclass.


-Bonus downloadable guided meditation just for the Manifestor energy type.


-Bonus Moon Meditation and Journalling Practice for Manifestors.


-Resources for beginning to understand your undefined, open and defined centres


-Resources on your soul's fears & how you manifest based on your design



What is Soul Notes? 


This is your Human Design Chart Reading ... delivered in a totally new and upgraded format!


This is where the magic can really happen lovely - understanding YOUR true purpose and design that is uniquely YOU. I am here to be your guide as you take your first steps on this journey...



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