SA Weightloss Hypnosis

How Much do you Really Need to Weigh?

DEC 16 / by Suzanne Ingleton/ Weightloss

 How to Boost your Immunity and stay Healthy over Winter

“How much should I weigh?”  It’s a fair guess that almost all people on a weight loss diet will at some stage ask this question….It’s been drummed into us via the media, and our social environment for dare I say it….100’s of years!  A few numbers on a machine or a tape measure can literally control someone’s life for decades.

I have worked with many women who have weighed themselves daily and sometimes several times in a day, trying to reach an elusive number that somehow has become the most important thing in their life – above anything else – self-esteem, significant others, family, friends  and work.

Living in a food prison, a daily grind of wanting to weigh and measure food, counting calories in and calorie expenditure and being dictated to by a machine and a few numbers on whether they are going to have a good or a bad day.
This is a very sad fact of life that can only lead to misery, a sense of failure, frustration and unrealistic expectations which all lead to unnecessary stress and can create physical and psychological damage to the body and mind…

But it doesn’t have to be like this….calorie counting, weighing and measuring everything simply are not sustainable.

Weight is an incredibly complex topic and easily misunderstood as being about calories in versus calories out and lack of willpower…….this is just not the case anymore and science and the study of nutrition has evolved drastically….although new information about sustainable and ‘unsexy” weight loss is very slow to get out there.

Every body and every mind is different and unique in how it processes food and eating, and there is no one diet that will suit everyone.

In my studies and working with my clients I have found that in order to make a change to your body and mind – you have to OWN it first.  This is absolutely critical to their success.

What do I mean by OWN it?

The very first thing I teach my clients is to become present and mindful.  When we are in the present moment we become aware of what we are doing – which then gives us the opportunity to make positive changes.

If we are mindlessly eating or engaging in negative and nasty self talk – we are supporting our body in hanging on to excess weight and giving our mind permission to say things to ourselves that we would NEVER say to anyone else!

In order to have the body you want you have to love and accept the body you have.

For many this is a tall order and seems completely counter productive……however there is ample scientific evidence to support this – which unfortunately does not make it into our external information highway – because its just not a “sexy” way to lose weight…..there is no fad diet or calorie burning exercise routine… which has become the norm for anyone on a weight loss journey.

The way to get to where you want to be is to do it differently.  If nothing else has been sustainable in the past then check out my video testimonials to find out how others have been able to achieve a sustainable way to transform their relationship with food, body and life.

Reach out if you need someone to talk to,

Suzanne Ingleton
Eating Psychology Coach ,Hypnotherapist, Master NLP Practitioner