SA Weightloss Hypnosis

Maximise your Motivation

APR 21 / by Suzanne Ingleton/ Weightloss

 How to Boost your Immunity and stay Healthy over Winter

If we don’t have the motivation to do something………, then quite  simply it’s more than likely not going to get  done!   We must be motivated to effectively reach the thing we want to achieve – and this is for ANYTHING in life. 


Our motivation needs to come from within us – and we need to feel it deeply internally. Emotions play a huge role in the successful outcome of anything we do – and conversely it has the same success rate in a negative way if we are being dragged down by unhappy emotions.


I’ve come up with and researched 3 main strategies that will help you to stay motivated.


Find your WHY – that’s right… has to be YOUR why, not someone else’s why.  Our success will be limited and not likely to last if we are doing something for someone else.  We must have our own why.  When we have a reason to do something, then we are usually fuelled by a feeling, an excitement and a desire.  These internal positive motivators are very strong and will help to drive you in the right direction.


Have realistic goals – this can be the difference between success and failure.  If your goal is well planned it will keep you on track.  When you have a plan or map to achieve your goal, you can see successful results along the way.  If you have set yourself an unrealistic time frame and amount to lose you can easily fall into a place of de-motivation.


Visualisation – this is the number one piece of gold that I can give you!  What you think about you bring about, and when we engage our active imagination to create what we want – we are creating a blue-print for success!  Science backs this and sports psychologists use it to enhance the performance of athletes.   The power of visualisation is totally under-rated, and I use it with my clients with great success.  Our mind cannot tell the difference between

fantasy and reality and our subconscious mind creates a new picture and encodes it as if it is actually happening. 


By bringing elements of these 3 strategies into your life to improve your motivation, you are going to be well on the way to weight loss success!