About Back To The Fitrah Mentoring Academy


Muslims across the globe realise their personal potential so they are successful in this life and the next.


To cultivate human potential and Islamic values in our schools and homes, one thought at a time, through education, mentoring & coaching.



We believe:

  • No one is broken
  • We are all in this together
  • There is potential in everyone
  • In inclusivity, respect and compassion
  • In hope and possibility
  • In transparency and communication
  • Love is the answer


About Us


Kathryn Jones founded the Back To The Fitrah Mentoring Academy to address the needs of Muslims globally to reconnect with their innate emotional and spiritual resilience.


In this era, Muslims globally are targeted simply for being Muslim. Muslim women are particularly vulnerable because of their visibility. Muslim children, especially those in public schools, face discrimination and bullying that effects their ability to achieve to their full potential at school.


Back To The Fitrah is a solution to all these challenges. By empowering our parents and teachers with the resilience they need to do the important work of teaching and guiding the next generation, we establish a sense of resilience despite the social injustices being experienced.


Additionally, by including our children in understanding their own resilience, we preserve and nurture the natural state of wellbeing that all children are born with.


The Principles Behind The Programs


Back To The Fitrah Mentoring programs are based on the understanding that everyone has innate resilience, confidence, patience and inner peace.


We teach the truth of our psychology, of how Allah created us. This is based on what has been named the Inside Out Paradigm, a subtractive psychological paradigm. Subtractive because it takes thinking off your mind, freeing you to have clarity, direction and purpose in alignment with the Sirat al-Mustaqin (the Straight Path). The clarity experienced, being that connection to our own Fitrah (internal guidance system) and Allah’s guidance. (Hence the name “Back To The Fitrah”)


Just like Newton’s moment of clarity about the scientific paradigm of gravity, a Scottish man by the name of Sydney Banks had an insight about how our psychology works. This is not a philosophy or theory, it is a scientific truth. It is a very simple concept that has profound and extensive implications.


As each individual gains deeper insight into the paradigm, their innate state of emotional wellbeing emerges effortlessly. This isn’t something that can be applied, implemented or affirmed until it is understood, it is something ‘seen’ deep within through insight, because it is already there. There is no building, healing, affirming, doing of any kind, because that comes from the assumption that there is something missing, broken or defective.


The reality is everyone is OK, it’s just that they can’t see that they are. We know this because Allah SWT says:


“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear...” Qur’an (2:286)


It is based around understanding one simple truth:


We are living in the feelings of our thinking in the moment!


It is a simple truth with deep, life changing meaning.


Every minute you are experiencing life through your own thinking, whether you can see that or not, that is the truth.


Back To The Fitrah Mentoring programs are designed to experientially lead parents, teachers and children to ‘seeing’ their own innate emotional and spiritual resilience.


About Kathryn Jones

Head Coach & Founder

Kathryn’s mission is to make a difference in the Muslim world by empowering Muslim adults and children to realise their potential through learning about the innate resilience and mental health that all human beings possess. She goes to the source of the misunderstandings that prevent people from recognising their in-built well-being (their Fitrah).


She is the founder of the Back To The Fitrah Academy, dedicated to the development of certified facilitators and mentors of the Back To The Fitrah suite of programs across the globe. Kathryn’s combination of formal and informal education along with personal and professional experience have given her a unique perspective and approach to the topic of emotional & spiritual resilience.

Are you ready for your community to be emotionally & spiritually resilient?

Book a time to speak to Kathryn Jones about how you can implement our programs in your community. There are a number of ways we can work together, book in a call so we can work it out!

"Any good teacher will tell you never to be a follower. A wise teacher will draw out your innate knowledge."

Sydney Banks, The Missing Link