Create Your Product In Kartra

You *know* that your course or coaching program is going to help so many people…


And you want to focus on bringing it to them as easily as possible, without the tech headache. 


Well, in this tutorial, I’m showing you exactly how to set up a Product in Kartra so you can start selling ASAP. Even without a sales page or a fancy checkout page, setting up this one single thing in Kartra can help you bring cash in as you continue to build out and scale your offerings!


To make this process as efficient and simple as possible, here are a few things you need to do before you start your Product setup, as you’ll need to add related info into the Product settings: 


1) Create a Sales Page: This is the page where you’ll promote your product. If you already have a sales page for it, simply grab the link for it and keep it handy. If you don’t have one already, start a draft one in Kartra and Publish it (don’t worry, just keep it a simple draft, you can come back to this later). 

2) Create a Thank You page: This is the page that people will land on after they purchase (again, just start a draft one and Publish it and you can revise it later).


Want to learn more about creating pages in Kartra? Here are some related tutorials you might be interested in:


Create a High Converting Sales Page with Kartra

Quickly and Easily Create Your Landing Page

How to Create an Opt-in Funnel



3) Have your product’s logo handy. This can also be a simple square graphic with the course or program name on it. It will show up on things like the receipt and sometimes the checkout page. 

4) Set up your payment gateway Integration. 

5) Outline your pricing. Do you have a pay plan? What will it be? 

6) Know your refund policy & your Terms & Conditions. You’ll need to select this in the settings as well, so be clear on this before you jump in.  


Get started now! Watch the video above and get your Product out there :) 



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