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How to Listen to Your Co-Founder

In the beginning of a good partnership, listening is easy. However, the closer you get and the longer you work together, the more likely you are to stop hearing each other. We overestimate the effectiveness of our communication with those who know us well, and at the same time allow our own perspective, or sense of knowing, to get in the way of listening.  

Sleep on It: Memory, Mood & Critical Thinking

Given the fast-pace and pressures that co-founders face on a regular basis, it is essential to be as productive as possible. You frequently face an important choice; work harder and longer or take care of your mind and body. We all know that taking a break can help us work smarter and be more efficient...but many of us rarely act on it.

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Don't Try to Be Right. Do This Instead.

Conversations that lead to an argument over who is right and who is wrong are a trap. The most important conversations that you will have with your co-founders will lead to growth; individual, relational, and organizational.

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The Co-Founder Communication Blueprint 

Handle difficult conversations with ease.