The Best Way To Improve Your Fitness:

2 Membership Types- Reviewed For You!



Which Membership Type is Best for YOU? 

When you get a membership with EN Exercise Network, you get access to all sorts of "Levels Details", which display an exercise, weight, number of repetitions and number of sets to perform for a wide range of exercises, which keeps you challenged and engaged in realizing your fitness goals AND no matter which Type you choose, you get a great membership site with challenging activities all spelled out for you, Chat where you can discuss through text to interact with other fitness-minded individuals, and Progress Tracking so you can see what content you've seen and how far along each Level you are! So, let's take a look at which type it will be for you...

Social or Solo?

     With the Social type of membership, you get into the membership site and access all kinds of exercise levels and content with the simplicity of doing things on your own to start, but... when you work really hard and eventually grow out of your tier (the Levels become TOO EASY) you will be required in some form or another to participate socially from in order to evolve/upgrade through the access tiers. For some members this may take years until they outgrow their tier, for others it may take a much shorter time. It somewhat depends where you start, what condition you're in, and how much effort you put in. 



  • You are eligible for "Earn It" discounts - Reduced costs to upgrade tiers
  • You are eligible to take Official Tests, where once passed, you may obtain Ranked Gear
  • Social Accountability tends to motivate people and create a sense of inclusion, which is positive and good for morale to overcome obstacles
  • Exceptionally LOW COST, this is the way The EN was originally envisioned - bringing social community to exercise.



  • In order to Evolve/upgrade tiers, there are points at which you must participate in the network, which requires some effort to contribute e.g. submit video recording(s) of yourself doing certain work outs. Some see this as a Pro, but it is something that if left incomplete could impede your progress up the tier system.


     The EN is still young and the community needs to grow to a mature bustling community. It's a great idea, but when it matures it will be a 10/10 rating!

My rating: 9.9 out of 10

     With the Solo type of membership, you also get into the membership site and access all kinds of exercise levels and content, with the simplicity of doing things on your own, but you don't have the social aspect of being required to participate socially from time to time in order to evolve/upgrade through the access tiers, unless you voluntarily participate.



  • Extremely Simple to use. A very, very gentle learning curve to make full use of the network.
  • You are NOT required to do "Earn It" social tasks (posting videos of yourself performing workouts, etc.), in order to evolve/upgrade tiers. However, some see this as a Con because you may lack some of the Social Accountability you may have with your peers on the network.
  • You are eligible to take Official Tests, where once passed, you obtain Access Tier Ranked Gear, where your video submissions remain private (however, in the future these tests may be officiated in a decentralized/more social way and so this point may be updated or administrated differently eventually)
  • You may still comment and interact socially with others on the network, which brings a sense of inclusion, so you can still benefit from the morale boosts and find encouragement to overcome obstacles



  • More Costly
  • You are NOT eligible for "Earn It" discounts - making it a little more costly to advance through the tiers (although it is still reasonably affordable)


     The EN is still young and the community needs to grow to a mature bustling community. It's a great idea, but when it matures it will be a 10/10 rating!

My rating: 9 out of 10


You may have hoped I would tell you which of the two is the BEST!


Instead, I'm going to tell you that choosing either membership is the BEST to improve your fitness! Ha, I got tricky like that... And, I'm going to leave the choice up to YOU!

No Pressure... either way, you're making a great choice!


Need More Info on the Pricing?

About The Reviewer

Showoff, Riverside, Ca

"The Original Motivator". Fitness Enthusiast. Including my own thoughts and thoughts shared by others asked.


This review was selected from various participants' polled opinions about EN Exercise Network and the Membership Types. The ratings are the reviewer's alone.

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