In 1.5 years I have left my corporate, depression fueling career as a legal secretary in the rat race of Sydney CBD and have positioned myself as a leading pioneer in the field of Psychic Development with a profitable, successful, world-changing business that fills my Soul with joy earning upwards of 20-30k per month.


Recently, I have even been able to retire my partner from his 9-5 with a baby three months off and live in more bliss and joy than ever before.


Every week when I pay myself a non-negotiable large lump sum, I have more in my account

than the previous week.


This hasn't been through paying tens of thousands in marketing, funnel coaches, biz coaches etc etc - it has been through mastering my psychic abilities...


(which were severely blocked - the very reason I lost my way in the corporate grind)


And truly bridging the gap of this money matrix, spirituality disconnection that keeps us looping around in circles looking outside of ourselves for the answers to our problems....


Forgetting ALL of the answers are truly within us and available to us at any moment we choose.


I have learned to bring the tangible into the intangible 'airy-fairy hoo-ha' of the Psychic Realm and use these abilities to manifest exactly what I desire, quantum leap myself time and time again to my next level of genius, income, impact and influence, create a tribe that absolutely loves me and has my back 100% and are happy to pay 5-figures in full to secure me as their mentor and guide.


My NUMBER ONE tool for Divine Genius expansion (which expands every area of your reality - money, love, soul purpose impact) is the art of truly being a DIVINE SORCERESS - the ability to channel through terabyte upon terabyte of my true Genius, streamed purely and directly from my Higher Self, Intergalactic Star Family and Guides.


These beings are in their purest form, they do not have any human 'programming and conditioning', so they will always give you the most divine, aligned information that will Quantum Leap you into the reality you are so deeply desiring, time and time again.


We just have to bridge the gap of the spiritual and the physical through the expansion of our very own Neurology to access this information on demand, anywhere, anytime.


Your frequency quickly raises exponentially as you finally learn to navigate this confusing, challenging matrix we live in - leading you to truly be the Sorceress of anything you desire - weaving your reality with precision and skill.


A master of the money matrix.


A collapser of time and space.


A Manifestation Enchantress.


A truly sovereign spiritual being having an empowering Human experience.


    Weaving a Web of Genius

    Week one you will unlock your divine channel and learn basic to advanced skills for utilizing this amazing tool to download your true, authentic, next level genius that is here to unlock Soul contracts and make magick happen.


    Monopolize the Powers at Be

    This week is all about RECONNECTING your Neural Pathways to align the physical and the spiritual to work together once again. From now on you will KNOW that all of your spiritual work leads to physical reality rewards and FAST. We will also Channel through aligned packages and price points to make sure you bypass your conscious mind doubt and tap straight into the source of divine wealth through pure divine service.


    Wisdom of a Prodigy

    This week we will clear the pathway of limitations so you can finally step into being recognized as a Genius Expert in your field. Your vision for yourself is going to expand beyond your current comprehension, and highest aligned Neural Pathways are going to develop to hyper-jump you into aligned orbit.


    Exorcise Cash Flow Demons

    This week is all about freeing those cash money Demons and embodying a wealthy Angelic Presence. Together we will learn the ins and outs of activating Soul Contract clients with the art of Channeling and create a tangible strategy to keep yourself aligned and focused towards your goals. This is an extremely empowering process of uplevelling that you can count on time and time again.


    Visibility Ascension

    This week is embellished with the magick activation of verbal Channeling. From now on, you will step OUT of the way and allow your Spirit team to work through you to master your presence on FB lives, Sales Calls and Speaking Events to name a few and see your impact, income and influence portal into a new dimension of Heavenly bliss.


    Living the Dream

    This week is a big week of integration. Making sure you GET WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT time and time again. This will really enable you to ground, embody and activate all of the transformation you will have experienced by this point and keep you focused towards your biggest vision without allowing any part of your ego to get in the way and hold you back. Limitlessness!

Here is what you’ll experience

  • Pre-Recorded Group Training with Ari Kala in your Membership Portal each week!

  • $12,000 VALUE

  • Incredibly activating weekly worksheets to keep which will continue to provide you with tangible strategy and structure

  • $1,000 VALUE

  • 9 ready to go Audio Hypnosis Tracks to give you some variation in your channeling tool belt, as well as epic boosts to your progress.

  • $4,500 VALUE

  • Group Quantum Mechanics Mentorship Session with Trevor - Magick Bush Man of the Dao

  • $1,000 VALUE

  • High-Vibe ongoing Private Facebook Group for support, collaboration and connection

  • $500 VALUE

    to help you ground these changes into your reality using magickal tools and quantum technology!

  • $400 VALUE

That's over $19,400 value + $1,749 in Bonuses for as little as $1,963 USD.


Get a complete energy cleanse removing all pre programmed stress from your neural networks.
Over 95% of our entire existence exists in the realm of the 'subconscious'
What better way to start your path forward than with a 'clean slate' to begin building new foundations upon!

(Value $999)


10 x Personalized New Beliefs each week of your choice to be installed remotely, straight into your Subconscious mind to super-charge and amplify your results.
Maximize this opportunity by selecting your beliefs carefully as you are guided to through your progress in the course.

(Value $750)




$1,749! USD




6 Week Course

Spot Security

VIP Discount for Pay in Full

As well as all of the bonuses listed above.



Deposit of $600 and then Five  fortnightly payments of $213.2  starting 14 days after deposit made


Secure your spot in the course.

Ari Kala

Leading Pioneer in Psychic Development.

Channel of the Rich Psychic Goddess.

A True Prodigy, she left us well ahead of her expected 'expiry date', she is a true embodiment of her teachings now! Someone who can teach channeling to anyone from this side of the veil, so she can then communicate to them from the other side of the veil much easier!

Ari has used her own channeled teachings to unlock all of her Psychic Abilities and work with many inter-dimensional beings to be the divine vessel of her Souls work.


She strongly believes in empowering each and every catalyst Earth worker with the innate ability to find the answers from within themselves and stop giving their power away to other people for the answers, which only leaves you chasing your tail stuck at a precipice and never breaking through to your true infinite creative genius and eternal cosmic self.


She aims to be the LAST mentor you EVER need.
At your beck and call.
When ever you need.
Let her teach you how!

Ken Ah-Ru
(Trevor Popple)

Resident Quantum Magician

Ken Ah-Ru is a Bushman of the Tao and a man of no-thing. Loving quantum and unified sciences, he has hosted astronomy dinners outside of Uluru – teaching people about our beautiful Universe above, which has served to instill a deeper passion to be of service to ALL life. He is an energy worker, healer, off-grid community artisan, philosopher, sovereignty researcher and lightworker for the consciousness rising here on Earth in the past, now and the future.

Ken Ah-Ru is passionate that Quantum Mechanics are the missing link for many spiritual entrepreneurs struggling to prove the true

power of their work.


Ken Ah-Ru is passionate about adding the cold hard facts of proof to the very things many people believe are impossible, which brings a dynamic breath of life to things that most do not realize, breathe with us daily!

His wisdom turns those around him into grounded, educated experts in their magickal fields.

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