Express Yourself 

JULY 27/ by The Wanderlust Collective /Art, Inspiration, Motivation

Madonna’s song just popped into my head...there I go again, giving away my age! She had a point, as humans we need to express ourselves. And for artists this is a huge thing. We use our mediums to leave a piece of ourselves on the canvas, if you will. It enables us to deal with our deepest desires and thoughts. It’s also very therapeutic.

Art has helped me to get over heartbreaks, dissapointments, loss, and so much more.


It was and is what centers me.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Growing up I loved to draw, I think every child does. But, I also loved to sew, craft, knit, take photographs and sing. I feel like Vincent Van Gogh in the sense that he worked at so many professions before he became an artist.

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Ultimately, I became an artist because it was the best way for me to express myself. It is the core of me, and my secrets are hidden within my work. That’s why I love creative journaling. I have so many ideas running through my head. Some I have painted, but many are still in my journals waiting to take flight.

If you’re stuck with the creativity block, or the negative thoughts that try to stop us from expressing ourselves, take baby steps. Artistic skills have nothing to do with good drawing or painting. For every great artistic skill is expressed in a different way. We all have our own ways of dealing with this, but the important part is that we do deal with it, confronting it head on instead of letting it grow. A baby step may not seem like much, but it's still a step forward, and progress is progress.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

Start with a mark in whatever type of artist you want to become. Be flexible, versatile and find a rhythm that suits you, and can set you in motion. Remember art is an expression of your emotions that cannot be expressed through words. As humans we need art to be able to learn and share new ideas.

“I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way...things I had no words for.”

Georgia O'Keefe

So go ahead, express yourself, in whatever medium that may be. Hey, if it’s more than one, go do it.

Photo by Reinhart Julian on Unsplash

Photo by Josh Rocklage on Unsplash

Photo by Rebecca Grant on Unsplash

Photo by Swapnll Dwivedi on Unsplash



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