Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash



JULY 13/The Wanderlust Collective/

Art,Inspiration, Motivation

Photo by Luis Galvez on Unsplash

Unfortunately we’re judged by the world based on our results, not on our process of creating. Because of this we judge ourselves harshly. I often hear my students say “I hope this comes out ok.” They’re already bracing themselves for failure. In fact, I will say 90% of the students who speak negatively end up hating their art.

Getting an idea should be like sitting on a pin, it should make you jump up and do something.

E. L. Simpson

Focusing on the process of making art is important. I know it takes energy to do this. Our minds want to go back to the negative. Think of it this way...your brain is trying to protect you by putting warning signs everywhere. This goes back to caveman days. Your brain wants you to brace yourself so you aren’t disappointed later. Letting your brain focus on negative only takes away from the enjoyment of creation and it will show in your work.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In art there are no mistakes, only discoveries.”

Artwell Art Therapy

Photo by Justyn Warner on Unsplash

Words matter, I truly believe that we must approach the canvas positively. Speak life into your creations. Come to the canvas expectantly, knowing you are creating something that is within you. Forget about making mistakes, and focus on the process of creation. Take it all in, and enjoy it. Remember your words become flesh. You become what you say.

You can change your world by changing your words...Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Joel Olsteen

Focusing on failure will result in art that never comes to fruition. If our fears and doubts paralyze us we give up before we ever start. We tend to go to our comfort zone, and avoid the pain of failure. In the end, we lose, and give up.

Fight this procrastination and fight for your art.

Photo by Hermes Rivera at Unsplash

Procrastination says it can wait till next time, or I need to sharpen my skills in this area before I can approach this canvas. Speak to your procrastination. Make this a habit, have a list of positives hanging near your canvas and repeat them when you want to create.

“You may delay, but time will not, and lost time is never found again.”

Benjamin Franklin

Photo by Tim Arterbury at Unsplash

I want to encourage you to focus on the joy of making art, not the outcome. Think about it, isn’t the process of creating where we find our ultimate joy? Yet, we’re overwhelmed about the end result. So let go and create! Make one mark, baby steps, then another and keep that momentum going until a piece of art emerges. No matter what it looks like you will have the satisfaction of making something that reveals your creative self.

“It’s not just about creativity, it is about the person you’re becoming while you’re creating.”

Charlie Peacock

Photo by Duncan Kidd at Unsplash



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