What People Are Saying...

Ya'll I am digging up some STUFF already in this course and I'm only on Module Two.  I'm not gonna lie - I am becoming a total fangirl and she is becoming one of my new favourite voices in homeschooling.  If she's not on your radar, she should be.  -Simple is the New Smart Member

I've been homeschooling my six children (ages 16, 12, 10, 7, 5, 1) their whole lives...  Yet all these years, and some more than others, I've felt like I'm missing something somehow... Well, this [Simple is the New Smart] was, very simply put, JUST what I've needed all those years! Working very intentionally... as the course prescribes, has been a total game-changer for us. My children are happier in their homeschool than they've ever been, and I feel so much more relaxed and confident... Thank you, Zara for truly helping take us to another level, and improving our daily life for the better! -Simple is the New Smart Member

Hi Zara! Thank you for the group call, it helped me so much.  Thank you!! This class has helped me more than anything I have ever tried. 💕

-Simple is the New Smart Member

I finished the book "Minimalist Homeschooling" by our girl Zara last night, it didn't disappoint. It felt incredibly great to throw away those scrap papers guilt free!  -Facebook Community Member

  • Discover the Value of Values-Based

    Minimalist Homeschooling is unique in its starting point.  It's important to not only know your values, but also to know how to use them as both your compass and your filter while homeschooling. 

  • Plan to Be Individualized & Unique

    One-size-fits-all homeschool resources often leave us overwhelmed and/or dissatisfied.  Why?  Because they are based on other people's values, biases, needs, and wants.  You know what your children need and love, let's make it happen.

  • Find Time

    Clutter comes not only in the stuff that we store, but also the stuff that fills our minutes, hours, and days.  Minimalist Homeschooling helps homeschoolers find time in their days.

  • Be Confident About Educational Excellence

    Stop diluting your valuable education with all. the. things.  Learn how to know exactly what is most important, and what is "extra."  Then learn what place they each have in your homeschool.

  • Get Intentional

  • Save Money

    You know all those things that you bought for your homeschool and then never really used, or liked?  Let's stop that.

30 DAY Money-Back Guarantee

© Copyrights by Zara Fagen, PhD  www.ZaraPhD.com

Minimalist Homeschooling

Stress Less, LLC