The Seraph's Symbol

A way to connect with this high Angel

Seraphim Blueprint Symbol - copyright Seraphim Blueprint/ Ruth Rendely

Having an experience is superior to any attempt at an explanation...

Please try it:


Print the symbol and touch it with your palm for up to 8 minutes. Close your eyes. Do you sense a connection? Can you feel a flow of energy?


Many people report that just looking at the image on the monitor for a few minutes may also establish a connection with the Seraphim Angel. Ruth Rendely introduced this symbol while writing the book "Seraphim Blueprint - The Power of Angel Healing". It can connect us with the Seraphim Angel who is the Guardian of this ancient spiritual system.


Working with this symbol is a good starting point to get to know the Seraphim Blueprint. Just touching the symbol results for many in an expanded opening for the flow of healing energy. This is also a good test for you to find out, if our workshops are an optimal fit for you. If you feel the energy from the symbol you might really resonate with our classes.


Another way to get an experience of the energy prior to receiving a series of initiations in our workshops is to join one of the special Seraphim Blueprint events with energy transmissions, or to get an empowered crystal.