About Us

Hi. We are Nathan and Sarah.

We created Cana Feast.

About Us

Hi. We are Nathan and Sarah.

We created Cana Feast.



We are Nathan and Sarah Bartel. We married each other on May 19, 2000 and now have five beautiful children. Sarah holds a Ph.D. in theology and Nathan has a Masters degree in philosophy. We've been teaching engaged and married couples about how to strengthen their marriages for over 10 years.


But the most important credentials we have to help you in your marriage is this: that we were madly, deeply, passionately in love on our wedding day. And 20 years later, we can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that we are more deeply, more madly, more passionately in love with each other now than we ever before! 


But it wasn't always this way. We had to learn how to love each better. 

It wasn't always sunshine and roses

We’ve been in survival mode a lot in our marriage, struggling with depression and anxiety, job loss, money problems, in-law drama, the divorce of parents, moves across the country, and other issues.


You know what? We’re completely normal. EVERYONE gets knocked into survival mode from time to time. Many couples have challenges far more difficult than we have faced. 


At one point about 10 years ago, we were struggling. We felt distant from each other and alone in our responsibilities. The realities of busy family life felt like chores and burdens. We thought that there must be a better way. Where was the affection, joy, and passion? 

Finding our way

We attended a marriage retreat, and it literally changed our marriage! We learned news ways to pray together that continue to bless us. We learned how to take the Church’s beautiful teaching about marriage, and make it practical in our everyday lives.


We know from experience just how powerful marriage retreat experiences can be.


Unfortunately, many couples can't get away for a whole retreat. Work schedules, childcare, or other things make it really difficult. That's why we created Cana Feast: to make those same powerful marriage retreat experiences available in a virtual format you can enjoy at home! 

We want to meet you


We not only have a passion for helping couples find greater joy in their own marriage, but in doing so, we ourselves meet so many amazing couples that in turn inspire us! We really would love to connect with you. 

Here's how:

  • Get weekly advice and inspiration right in your inbox to help you grow closer to your spouse and find more joy! And be the first to know about everything we are doing at Cana Feast! 

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    Follow on Instragram or Facebook @canafeast! Check out our regular posts and frequent stories including fun polls, surveys, and discussions. Don't miss the fun!

  • Join the Cana Feast Membership

    A few times a year, we invite couples to join the Cana Feast Membership. We work closely with our members to help them transform their marriages from home and provide an amazing and supportive community. Learn more.

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