EPISODE 20 > Healing, Yoga Practice and Breaking Down Barriers To Wellness | GAMO FARANI-TOMLIN of SIMPLY LIVE WELL YOGA

This week's episode of Lotus Life The Podcast with Rose Tautari has a visit from Gamo Farani-Tomlin of Simply Live Well Yoga. Gamo brings her light and unique gift to the world by sharing the transformational power of yoga, meditation and mindfulness. Gamo is a Yoga and Meditation teacher who is usually based in Sydney but has been staying in Auckland during this time while NZ’s borders have been closed in order to be close to family - so we made do with what tools we had at our disposal for getting together online and recording this chat!

In this episode, we dive into all things:

*Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness

*Transforming and healing, allowing yourself the time and space to do so

*Using those experiences to fuel your passion to help others

*Healing from anxiety, depression, self esteem and self worth

*Breaking down any perceived barriers to these ancient practices



Connect with Gamo on the 'Gram @simplylivewellyoga


Podcast recommendations: Goop and Super Soul Sunday



"Self doubt can be such a kick in the guts!!! Especially when it pops out of nowhere for no apparent reason and stops you in your tracks...! It takes a lot of mental strength to carry on with what you’re doing (especially if you’re putting yourself out there) and not retreat back into your ‘safe zone’ where everything feels oh-so-lovely but not a lot of growth goes on... Sometimes you just have to decide to not take notice of the voices in your head telling you you’re not good enough and bloody well do it anyway. Even if it feels scary. Even if it feels foreign to you.

Remind yourself that whatever it is that you’re putting out there and offering to the world is special and unique to you and someone out there will benefit from it.
If you can help even just one other person with the gifts you have to share, then ignoring that self doubt and taking the risk is worth it right?"


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Yoga or No-Ga?


She looked me dead in the eyes and said… “but I HATE yoga”


Now, I totally get that feeling - that’s how I feel about any number of things… jelly and egg whites being two right at the top of my list.


But it really got me thinking. Why do I enjoy yoga? Why do I even DO yoga?

In this world where everything seems to be suddenly trendy, or the flavour of the month that everyone starts popping up on instagram posting photos of. I would say that my version of yoga is about as FAR from the instagrammable yoga bendy poses that inundate your feed if you start flipping through any of the relevant hashtags



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