SA Weightloss Hypnosis

How does your state of Mind affect your Weight?

APR 13 / by Suzanne Ingleton/ Weightloss

 How to Boost your Immunity and stay Healthy over Winter

Our mind is one of the most powerful parts of us that we have, and it can absolutely make or break us.


Our total physiology - the way our body functions is determined by our state of mind and the mind body connection. 


Simply by thinking unhappy thoughts, our body responds - our face looks sad, our body becomes hunched and our gait becomes slower.  When we are happy, our face looks happy, we stand taller and walk with more confidence.


These differences are also represented inside our bodies – particularly in our digestive system as well as our vital organs - heart, lungs & circulatory system.


A negative mindset creates thoughts that lead to negative self-talk which creates a low level stress response, which in turn creates stress chemistry in our body elevating fat producing hormones like cortisol & insulin.


When our body is responding to stress it also begins to slow down or even shut down our digestive system and inhibits the optimum functioning of our metabolism.


In a nutshell, Stress is one of the biggest blockers to weight loss, and it can move into other areas of our life – lack of self-esteem, low confidence, lack of sleep, lowered immune system - all of which can affect many other areas of our life - work, relationships, health & wellbeing.


There are 3 things we can consider to improve our Mindset

  1. Awareness – When we are aware of something, we can begin to make changes instead of mindlessly repeating unhelpful behaviours.

  2. Belief – Create a new version of your life in your mind. Visualise how you WANT your life to be, rather that what you DONT want. Our minds will gravitate and support whatever you think about - so create positive beliefs around what you want to achieve.

  3. Environment – Change the things around you that are in your control, for example; your social media feed and the people you spend time with.

There are different kinds of Mindsets – and each is individual to your goal – self-trust, patience, courageous, focused or positive.  Whatever your mind set is – it will absolutely determine your success, or failure.


“If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right.” Henry Ford

The difference between who you are and who you want to be stems from your mindset. Once you start to change how you think, you will immediately start to change your behaviour which will lead to your success.


So what are you going to change today?


As an Eating Psychology Coach, Hypnotherapist and Neuro Linguistic Master Practitioner, I am all about helping my clients to change their mindset around food, health and weight.


I’d love to chat and find out more about how I can help you!


Book in a FREE 30min Consult HERE!