Work With Me

At Platinum Wellness we understand Busy Professional Moms. We know Professional Moms must juggle work, family, and other daily responsibilities.


Our goal is to help you look and feel your absolute best!


 Each day we help people just like YOU achieve their health goals. We know the hardest part of any lifestyle change is getting started. At Platinum Wellness we will set up a nutrition plan tailored just for you!


We Offer:

  • Comprehensive Nutrition Plans

     A well-planned and well-designed customized nutritional strategy is paramount for achieving your health and fitness goals. Your personal nutrition plan serves as a complement to your planned workout, and that is where you actually achieve your ‘getting in shape’ formula desired goals. But that perfect formula cannot be applied without proper knowledge and appropriate guidance. While experimenting with your food you are also experimenting with your body, which more often than not, leaves you with unwanted consequences. The diet plan you pulled off from a free website may not be ideal for your specific health and fitness goals.


    Our professional coaches who have extensive experience working with busy profession moms that come in different shapes and sizes. We have the right knowledge and relevant nutritional guidance to come up with a tailored nutrition plan for your health and fitness problems. Contact us today to take the first step  to start your health and fitness journey.

  • Online Customized Private Training

    Online Customized Private Training: We offer a wide range of personalized training services and customized workout templates to increase stamina, endurance and speed, including strength training, cross training, cardio workouts and more.


    t is time now that you discard your ‘dry as dust’ workout plans and indulge yourself with more interactive and engaging training sessions. With an invigorating experience at Platinum Wellness, you are always motivated to stretch yourself and go the extra mile to achieve your ultimate fitness goal.


    Our coaches can design a training plan personalized to your schedule, one that is in line with your abilities and attuned to your interests. The focus and intensity of the training will be continuously adjusted based on your ongoing performance and the results you are expecting. 

  • Digital Training

    Our cutting-edge personal trainer software is everything you would ever want or need to be successful - all in one place. We will deliver incredible coaching for you to be your very best.

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