Customers & Marketing
Without customers, your business wouldn't survive. Learn how to identify your ideal customers and keep them coming back.
Customer Service Tips to Keep Them Coming Back
Without customers, your business wouldn't be what it is today. Customers are the reason that any business exists. They purchase products, use services, and collectively generate the income that is needed to keep a business afloat or, if you're lucky, turn a little bit of a profit.
We've gathered some quick customer service tips to impress new customers and keep them coming back.
Who Are Your Imperfect Customers?
Your company can't be all things to all people. How do you identify who you shouldn't market your product to?
Defining Your Perfect Customer
Taking some time to define your ideal customer can make a huge difference to your business. How do you go about finding people who want to buy what you have to offer?
Dos and Donts of Posting Online
The world is shifting online. We've compiled a quick list of the most important rules to keep in mind when posting content on your social media accounts.
How to Create Brand Champions
Many people believe that the end goal of marketing is to attract paying customers. But what happens after a purchase has been made?
Defining Your Perfect Customer
Stop marketing to the wrong people. Identify who your perfect customers are, what they need, and where to find them.
This useful guide explains how structure, discipline, and a specific mindset will allow you to increase your productivity and reduce your stress as a work-from-home employee or entrepreneur.
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