| Posted On 31 July 2020 | Posted by Philip Gardner |

The home of tomorrow will include wonderful things, wonderful comforts, wonderful conveniences far more than you can possibly imagine or I can tell you about. The possibilities may just go as far or further than your imagination can take you. Here, I will showcase 4 inspirational homes meant to light the spark of optimism with dramatic new ideas you may anticipate for your own home of the future.

1) “H3”, GREECE

If this home reminds you of a luxury yacht, it's no mistake. Reminiscent of sailing ships of the past, the H3 Home in Athens, Greece gives a sense of hovering over the water and sailing. Designed by 314 Architecture Studio and completed in 2012, the house is completely eco-friendly and uses geothermal energy to power itself. I personally love the large outdoor space, which provides an open area to relax before starting out on the day’s work or retiring for the night.



I particularly love how this house combines the rugged beauty of the forest with relaxed contemporary living in the digital age. - Philip Gardner

Despite its appearance, this isn’t a spacecraft located in the middle of the woods. This is the Shell House, a futuristic home located in Karuizawa, Japan. Kotaro Ide’s ultramodern double-elliptical design, contrasts the warm wood and shrubbery and creates an impression of something that exists in harmony with nature, and yet is different from it.


The people who live in this house are obviously partial to ultra-modern things. The MARS Case housing prototype is the result of a collaboration between OPEN Architecture and electronics giant Xiaomi.

If I ever wanted a vacation home to escape from the noise and commotion of society without sacrificing modern amenities, I’d get one of these.


Sure, many homes of today are wirelessly connected to the internet and appliances, but MARS Case goes a step further by integrating separate electronic appliances into one synthesized product, The Home.

4) GREEN HOUSE by Yang Mingjie

Look closer at this ordinarily shaped house and you’ll see a blending of simplicity and character of a traditional home with the clean and modern innovations of the future. Green House explores how to use energy more efficiently in the home by using plants to store energy.

The owner of the family is a busy white-collar worker. When she goes out, she can control the growth of the plants through her mobile phone.  - Yang Mingjie


Philip Gardner

Philip has been a homeowner and technology enthusiast for over a decade. He has found a way to combine his passions and become LivMatic's smart home expert where he covers the latest developments in home technologies, Iot, and modern conveniences.


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