2021 on a black background


For 2021

JAN 4/The Wanderlust Collective/

Art, Focus, Inspiration, Motivation

Now that we’ve finally crossed over to 2021, what does your vision look like? What are the goals you plan to achieve this year? How different will they be from last year? You’re probably asking why on earth are you asking so many questions? I’m asking these important questions because where the mind goes the man follows.

Trees marked with questionmarks

Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

Humans are unique. We are the only species who can completely change the course of our lives. As a human you can change the story of your life and write a completely new one. Ask anyone who has attained success in their life, they all had a turning point. A moment when they made a decision that from that moment forward their life will be different.

Typewriter on a white background

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash

“Goal setting is the most important aspect of all improvement and personal development plans. Confidence is important, determination is vital, certain personality traits contribute to success, but they all come into focus in goal setting.”

Paul J. Meyer

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

There are two common traits used by successful people. The first being a commitment for constant learning, growing, and evolving. The second clear direct goals with specific plans to achieve them. When you change the way you see things that you want, you’ll start to see them. As a matter of fact what you have always wanted has probably existed around you, but your mind and eyes weren’t open to it. 

There is an old saying by Lao Tzu, “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” When you have laid out clear goals you give your brain something to focus on, and look for. You will be open to more opportunities. That’s when you will be open to more resources and ideas.

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

“Reduce your plan to writing… The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.”


Napoleon Hill

Last year I released The Artist Toolbox, a course jam packed with resources and information to get the artist on the road to success. I know how hard it is to get past obstacles and feel like you’re trying to walk through quicksand only to sink. 2020 was a year of struggles and change that no one saw coming. Let's start 2021 on a positive note, and start moving towards our goals. You can succeed, you can achieve your goals, you just need the desire and a roadmap.


If you want to learn more here is the link:

If you need to go on an adventure and are tired of being stuck at home, join me and check out my newest travel experience in Nashville. Come find inspiration, learn art history and paint a masterpiece all from the comfort of your home.


Check it out here:

Come join me!



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