Inspiring Blogs

 Do I Have Trauma?

July 1, 2018

Expanding Beyond Head-Centred Leadership


‘Trauma’ is often a misunderstood word because most people don’t recognise having it.


What people do recognise is their anxiety, their stress, their panic attacks and their sleepless nights, but this is just the nervous system‘s way of saying that there is something fundamentally wrong in the body.

June 10, 2018

One of the core beliefs I’ve experienced growing up is this deep feeling of ‘not feeling good enough’. It sabotaged me in so many ways and it made me feel that whatever I do, it’s not enough. I’m not enough.

February 26, 2018

Many of us are challenged by this deep feeling of having a lack of self confidence, or self worthiness. You can see in the world today that there is a pretty massive issue around feeling truly worthy inside.


It shows up in work, in our need for recognition. It shows up in relating, in our need for approval. It shows up in social settings, in our need for being liked. But a lack of self confidence points to a much deeper issue, one that we are all wired for, which simply is our need for love — and it’s amazing what we do in the name of love.

May 1, 2017

April 24, 2017

Embark on a journey full of healing as you transform the mind, body and soul.


“After all, when a stone is dropped into a pond, the water continues quivering even after the stone has sunk to the bottom.”


~ Arthur Golden, Memoirs of a Geisha


Trauma is like an internal straitjacket created when a devastating moment is frozen in time. It stifles the unfolding of being, and prevents our attempts to move forward with our lives. It disconnects us from ourselves, others, nature and spirit. When overwhelmed by threat, we are frozen in fear, as though our instinctive survival energies were ‘all dressed up with no place to go.







    Spirit of a Woman

    Braving Your Dreams

      Fundamentals of Healing Trauma

      Intimacy and Passion


      Self Leadership

      Self Leadership


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