Internet Safety University Home Edition

  • Course 1: Tightening Your Computer Security

    I often inspect computers which have already been infected. This is because these computers have too much “access enabled” that easily facilitates a virus infection. I’ll walk you through how to correct this on a Mac and PC. We’ll perform a checkup to make sure your browser is configured for safe and convenient browsing. I’ll guide you using simple tools that allows you to find out if you’ve already been hacked or being spied on by hackers, or by someone you already know. I’ll also walk you through step-by-step how to create an unbreakable password.

  • Course 2: Online Safety

    In this course, I’ll explain why and how hackers and scammers are targeting and tricking you into clicking when you shouldn’t. I’ll also walk you through how to lock down your personal accounts on the most popular social media sites. I’ll even walk you through step by step how to perform a Facebook privacy checkup, and how to spot a fake profile. This is very handy to use on dating sites. I’m sure you’d rather learn to do a few clicks rather than risking going on that date.

  • Course 3: Internet Safety For Kids

    In this course,  I’ll teach you how Internet predators groom children and who are profiled as the perfect victims. Knowing how to addressing Cyber Bullying, Revenge Porn and Sextortion is key: In this “Cyber Bullying, Revenge Porn and Sextortion” module, we’ll cover what it is, its seriousness and how to properly and safely respond to cyber harassment.

  • Course 4: Ransomware Survival Guide

    Ransomware came roaring back with a vengeance in 2018 and promises attacks on consumer electronics in 2019-2020. This type of malware gets its name from the payment it demands after locking away victims’ files has quickly become one of the top types of cyber-attacks.


    Only 4 in 10 companies have a strategy in place to deal with Ransomware, and of those 4, 1 would go bankrupt and close their doors forever.


    With the raise of the price of bitcoin, it could cost 10s of thousands of dollars to get your data back if you get hit and that’s besides business disruption, remediation costs, and a diminished brand.


    Ransomware is out of control right now and technology is having a very difficult time trying to stop it. This means it's all up to us, the human firewall to prevent it.


    This course will guide you on what to do Before, During and After a Ransomware Attack.

  • Bundle: All 4 Courses

    Everything you need to keep ahead of the cybercriminals


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