Do you feel like you are not running at 100%?

Are you feeling tired, exhausted, stressed,

bloated and just blah?

Do you want to have a better quality of sleep?

If this sounds familiar, then maybe it's time to give your body a spring clean so that you can continue feeling amazing. Maybe you need to take the time to stop and look at what you are feeding you body and what it's actually doing with your health.

Maybe it is time to give your body a little re-boot.


Over the next 6 weeks, we'll be creating healthy habits that will serve you for the years to come because the main goal of this challenge is to give you results that you can carry over a LIFETIME.


Yes! You read that right! If you follow the guidelines of this program, you'll feel the great benefits in every aspect of your life for good.

How is This Achieved?


In this program, we'll be focusing in give your body what it truly needs which is to feel healthy and vibrant! To do this, you'll be feeding your body with delicious recipes that are simple to make and are loaded with vitamins and minerals that your body needs.


By the end of this program, you should have:

  • More balanced blood sugar levels.
  • Better sleep (fall asleep faster and have more restful sleep)
  • More balanced hormone levels.
  • Better brain health
  • Improved memory and clearing of brain fog
  • More regulated digestion
  • Enhanced ability for your body to naturally “detox” itself
  • Increased energy
  • Boosted fertility
  • Improvements in your mood (less anxiety and depression

And the list just goes on...


World-Class Health Coach and Consultant, Course Creator, and host of the Membership site: Mojo for Life - Your Hero Journey. Founder and CEO of YOUR HEALTH DESIGNER.


World-Class Health Practitioner and CEO/Founder of Your Health Designer, Irene Keusch has forged a name for herself as a powerful force in helping exhausted Mums reclaim their Mojo.


Her unrelenting passion for improving people’s lives helps every client get access to the results they want, and her unique approach means she doesn’t stop until she sees them succeed.


Through suffering complete burnout, to thriving and living her dream, Keusch has gained the unique perspective that now allows her to compassionately understand what her clients are going through on a deeper level.


Regarded as one of the top Health Designers in the online space, Keusch has become known for her unparalleled ability to speak the language of physical and emotional pain. This allows her to easily translate the symptoms her client’s bodies and minds are screaming, so together, they can easily create an internal environment to thrive in.


Keusch never tires of seeing her clients confidentially step up and become who they are destined to be with a clear vision and a fully nourished Body and Mind.


When asked to share the driving force behind this empowering brand she has created, Keusch said it’s pretty simple: “I want to empower people who are about to give up, that there IS hope and there is a REAL resolution to their health issues when they use this holistic step by step approach and have the right, compassionate Health coach by their side.”

You'll Receive

  • Complete Success Manual

    You’ll get a 34-page success manual that is designed to provide you great deal of information about nutrition and how to live a healthy lifestyle. This manual will provide you with loads of success tips and strategies to help you achieve your goals.

  • 6-Weeks of Complete Recipe Manual

    You’ll get 6 weeks of recipes that are nutritious, delicious, and easy to make!

  • 6 Weekly Print-&-Go Grocery Lists

    Each week comes with a complete grocery list that you can just easily print and take with you to the grocery store!

  • Worksheets

    his program comes with the following worksheets that are 

    designed to guide you on this 6-week journey:

    • Client Getting Started Checklist: To guide you as you start this journey.
    • Tips for Eating Clean while Dining Out: We won't stop you from eating out but we will encourage you to stick with the program even while dining outside. With these helpful tips and food swaps available, hopefully you can still enjoy dining out while still following the guidelines of the program.
    • Goal Setting Worksheet: Setting goals help you align your focus and direction, it helps maintain motivation and upon accomplishment, having goals will give you the sense of personal satisfaction.
    • Measurements: Tracking your measurements will help you identify where you are or how far you are in reaching your goals.
  • 6 Weekly Meal Plans​

    You’ll get 6 weeks of made-for-you plan which you can easily customize whenever you like!

Get Started Now!

Full Pay


per month

Payment Plan

Frequently asked question

Is this a one time payment or a recurring chage

How will I receive the Program that I purchased? 

Do you have any other courses available? 

I have questions, how can I contact you?

I have a diagnosed Health condition, can I still do this program?

© Copyright 2021 Your Health Designer