Danna Junck

Serial Entrepreneur | Certified Coach

I see you & I know that...

You believe in John 10:10 we are called to an abundant life… but you don’t feel abundant.
You feel a nagging tug that you’re made for more… but insecurity and anxiety plague you.
People would say you have it all… and yet you don’t feel like you’re enough.


And if that doesn’t sound exhausting enough:

We don’t enjoy our lives and wonder what is the purpose.
We over work our bodies until we are sick and broken.
We set unrealistic expectations and then beat ourselves up when we fail.


There’s a better way. I know because I found it.

I can show you.

Hi, I'm Danna :)

I'm on a mission to empower and equip Christian women with the tools, resources, and coaching they need to level up their lives and businesses.


When I was a little girl, my mom would ask me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I always answered, "RICH!"


She told this story a lot, always with a shake of her head or a smug look. I remember cringing and feeling shame, but then one day I found the definition of rich: abundant, plentiful.


Then, I studied my Bible where Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly." (NKJV John 10:10)


That's what I have always wanted: a plentiful and abundant life, with plentiful and abundant relationships, and a plentiful and abundant bank account!


I have all three in my life!


I've been married for 27 years. I have strong, loving relationships with my husband, my kids, my mother, and even my mother-in-law! I've created two multi-million dollar businesses with my husband and we are debt free.


And now, I live without shame or apology. I help women to Be UNSTOPPABLE! So, when I tell you that I will teach you how to be abundant, I mean it!

Work With Me

I have a proven system that has made me abundant and it's my heart to share it with you. It's a system that I'll happily teach you. Once you understand it, you'll be abundant too!

Let's see how I can help you!

Ready to take it to the next level?

Learn how to be UNSTOPPABLE


"Every time I think I have it all figured out, Danna blows my mind with her insightful words and thought provoking questions. She is very helpful at getting me out of my own head and seeing things from a different perspective. She has helped me overcome so much of my own mind drama and I feel as though I'm a new and improved person after our coaching conversations. 


Thank you, Danna for helping me improve my life in so many ways!"

Andrea W.

Danna visited our single moms's life group and spoke life into all of us!

She shared wonderful nuggets of wisdom to grow in the Lord, that have made them the women they are today!


Her testimony touched every single mom and their "ah-ha ” moments proved to impact them as they have continued to discuss on our FB page!"

Heather T.

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Join my free group where we're pulling back the curtain on the strategies we use to be better leaders and the processes we help our teams implement too!


Join us for weekly live trainings, discussions, and an active community. 

 Let's Be Friends!

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