Divine Lineage Student Interviews
Discover the Real Life and Spiritual Technologies of Yeshua and the Holy Family, brought to the world by Saint Sri Kaleshwar.
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Transcript of Interview with Lora Stone: Penukonda, Power Journeys and Power Spots
Jenna: I'd love to start by just having you share a little bit about how you got started. What led you to the divine lineage? How did you start on this path?
Lora: It started, I suppose in, in 98 or 99. And it was after a breakup. I was in the art world as an artist and then my partner was in the art world as well. And then after that another door opened in my life and I met people involved in the healing world and all types of healers and, and even worked with Peter Levine as his assistant for a while, if people know who that is. And during that time I was invited by different people to all different kinds of Gurus speaking or Sufis. And I was open minded and I was checking things out, but nothing was really connecting to me until a friend of mine introduced me to the first Earth mantra. And I knew nothing at that time about Swami Kaleshwar or Shirdi Baba. And, and I learned the Earth mantra and charged it and had a huge experience with the first mantra. And then I was invited to go to these meditation groups in Los Angeles. And I really didn't want to go. But I think the energy, if it wants you to come towards, you know, to go to Penukonda or to go to your Guru, the energy finds every way possible, in a creative way, to make that happen. It was not actually my intention ever to have a guru or even go live in India. I was really on an art path and as a painter, oil painter. So everything changed when Swami Kaleshwar came into town in October of 1999 and gave us talk at the Unitarian church in Santa Monica. And that was it. Everything felt familiar with him and I was mesmerized and I never had this, I had been to all these other situations and groups and I never had that feeling before. And then he offered healings the next day in that same apartment where I had gone to the meditation groups. And you could sign up for free healings and he worked with small groups. It was just a small apartment actually. So there would be like five of us, I think were five. And with Swami, he did it small groups at a time. But he told us what to pray for in English prayers… to ask for what we really wanted. Because this is the early stages, right? My internal prayer was a lot about healing. So I, I started receiving huge symptoms because I had a lot of problems with communication and fear of speaking out from my background. And so I, I remember like in a very short time, I started feeling all of this kind of energy in my throat chakra like he was really working in that area, and then my heart. and I just think the tears started to come, like my eyes were closed, but I could feel so much energy coming in. And then when I opened my eyes, he was staring at me and we just stared in each other's eyes for what felt like a long time to me. And I kept seeing the doors opening, through his eyes, like 11 doors back or something like infinity. It was a sensation of like looking into him and feeling infinity and also feeling like I was part of him and he was part of me and that who is this person? Because I, I know him completely or he knows me completely. But I'm just having this experience right now and I think when I left there, I was stunned, like I was in a cloud for a couple of days, like what just happened? And I was in a difficult time in my life. However my skeptical mind came back after a few days and I it was like a little bit of disbelief, right?
Lora: A couple months later I had a trip planned, there was a group of eight of us traveling to India and Thailand together and breaking off in smaller groups. And so the girl, the lady that had taught me the first earth mantra was in that group and we split from the group to go visit the Ashram. The other people were not interested. And so that was my first time. It would be early December 1999 and only the first level of the, the first building was not even complete. We were sleeping on mattresses on sandy floors, but we did have like the ceiling and I think there was a fan, you know, basics. But when I arrived, when I arrived in India, I felt huge emotion. I grew up traveling a lot and I never felt this kind of emotion when arriving in a country. And then when arriving in Penukonda, it was surreal. It was for my soul, Deja Vu. I know this place, but I haven't been there, I haven't been there so far in this lifetime. So everything started there.. well, it started when I met him in October, but then it really started when I went to Penukonda and felt the energy there.
Jenna: And how long did you stay that first time at the Asram?
Lora: So that, so that first time, my friend who grew up in Catholic schools in Mexico couldn't handle the confines of an Ashram and she was in her exploration stage of life so she couldn't deal with it. She left and I ended up changing my ticket and staying there for a bit over a month. And not ever joining back with that group that I had traveled with… and then went home for like six weeks and came back again, for Shivaratri. I was, I was hooked. The energy was pulling me back already. And so then I moved there in 2011 right after 9/11 actually. So it took nearly two years after meeting him to physically move there. But in between I went there like six times.
Jenna: What was that process like to get to the point of thinking, “I wanna live there and just be there with him.” How did you end up making that decision?
Lora: Because he came to Los Angeles. He came this summer of 2001, I suppose. He told me, can I please? Like I had private interview with him. He also had one with my parents and spent a lot of time with me at that time. And he said he knew if he told me can you come and spend 10 years here that my soul would not be able to handle that. I was in the middle of real estate things and creative things. So what he said to me was, could you take four months? I need you for four months in India.
So, I said, OK, because that's the way he put it to me. Because he knew if he said, can you just move there? Like forever. Maybe that wouldn't work so well. So I rearranged my life and I went there. And of course it took way more than four months and then I was there for a very long time. And, I mean, it was Swami sitting down at a table and, and talking to me about my soul and, what was possible for me in this life. It’s almost like he could see like the future version of you. And he was like, helping you get there.
Jenna: That's so cool.
Lora: It's like a blinking light, you know, a guru for a student. He's supposed to take care of you and teach. It's just they know their flock, you know, like the mama goat and the baby goat. Like he knows the soul and everyone. So he was coming to the west to collect us to go back to India.
Jenna: What were some of the focuses of his teachings in those early days? He was so prolific, and there's so much that he taught in his short lifetime, and you were in on a lot of that, like you got firsthand knowledge and exposure to so much of his wisdom and, and practices that he was teaching. What was that like in the beginning stages? What were you guys learning? And, or, or what can you share about that?
Lora: So I think I was kind of the second wave, because I came in ’99. Like a big wave came in at that time. But there were some people that came even a couple of years before that, you know, back and forth. First of all, the energy was just like, I think maybe Cindy mentioned this, but the energy was so strong and it was hard to understand him. His English back then… you would just trance out during his talk, and it would just put you in that state and then I would have to read the transcripts afterwards, like go over it again afterwards. And also just getting that adjustment to understanding his way with English because it definitely shifted over time. And in the beginning, in the early years, it did take a lot of concentration, but then the energy would make you trance out. I mean, I didn't want to be anywhere else on the planet. And then the energy of Penukonda was like a huge magnet. So he was teaching that first program and it was all about healing techniques and it was massive. It was like a month long program, culminating with, you know, the Christ miracles that maybe I don't go into right now. But has been spoken about actually by Alex Utterman on another podcast.
Jenna: Yeah, there's some really, really, really profound and incredibly Divine experiences that have happened at the Ashram. Without maybe getting into all the details of what those were, what was it like for you the first time you just witnessed a miracle? Because he performed lots of miracles openly as this way to kind of open people's hearts and entice them to the Divine. What was that like for you witnessing that?
Lora: It was surreal on one level and it's hard to explain. It's like an altered state of consciousness. In this case, we went down to his cave, and the energy was really heavy but not in a negative way, right? Like in like in a, like you're underwater, it's not a bad thing. There's like weight and bliss, like sweetness and heaviness. But overall this, like, the sweetness is winning out. I don't know how to describe… each Darshan or each supernatural thing that I witnessed, I had slightly different energetic reactions with each and this one to do with Jesus. It was very unbelievably deep and, um, yeah, it's hard to explain.
Jenna: It makes sense that it's hard to explain. It's like that kind of ethereal, otherworldly kind of situation… like you're just all of a sudden in a different world when something like that happens, it seems like, right?
Lora: Like you're in a dream, but you're awake. You’re not sleeping, you're in your body and you're awake and you could pinch your skin, but it feels like this is something that might happen in a dream.
Jenna: Swami would, it seems, put you guys in groups and he really wanted you guys to figure out how to create that energetic harmony in a group that allows something like that to happen. So I'd love for you to maybe talk about that experience of working in groups and maybe anything you'd like to share about the importance of that sort of harmony.
Lora: So I've had experiences with groups and without. I would say, like the Mother Divine Darshan, at least a couple of them were not group oriented. He would just pull the student when the energy was matching… when they were ready and he was ready, like he would say he was 95% of the time ready, but the student is like 5% of the time ready. It's really this delicate timing for something like that. And that was more often the case except for Maheshwari, which came later when it was a huge group. It was a different type of energy and it was like years later. But the first couple in the earlier years, that was more of an individual process… there were other people but it was still individual with him and the Mother. And as far as the other groups to do Divine processes, the first group I was put in, we did have like a channeling. It was early on. I hadn't even moved there yet and it was one of the first groups. And then some Maya hit. And one of the members became ill and needed to go into Bangalore to see a doctor. And we were very good friends. So I went with her because she's not gonna go by herself. And it's like a 2.5 hour drive to get to the doctor in town. And during that time, we were still in process with this group. I'm just giving you an example, like this is how it rolled many times. We were still part of the group, but we had to take care of her and we were still doing the process and waiting for instructions while we were at the hotel that night and we didn't get them. And so we missed something.
And so when we came back, we weren't really sure if we were still in the group or what was going on because we had been in this kind of serious meditation. And then Swami pulled us all to a swing by Hanuman. This is like the behavior of the Westerners, you know. And so he was in his swing and we're sitting there, it was only like six of us, I think in that group. It was a small group and he turned his swing to face me and I asked him my question and I said, “I just want to ask you, are Marcy and I still in the group because we missed like an important piece and we're not sure, you know, because nobody was telling us anything as if we were. Because we left, we're not part of it.” And then he turned around and he looked at me and he said, “oh, Mahalakshmi” or something. “Um Yes, you're very much still in the group. And then he turned around, and this interaction created a lot of friction with one person who got very upset with me after this. But then the group dissolved after that because any group that's not completely in unity… like there should have been communications with us one way or another and then all that friction would just dissolve a group, right? The process would crash. I mean, we did get part of it in the beginning part… we got part of the process. So this kind of thing in different groups, he would pick the souls. Probably a lot of times, of course he was picking souls that would work well together… the combination of souls. Of course, we didn't know that in our Western minds. We weren't mature, like in the early years, people were coming in with all their Western blocks. It’s very different than the way the Eastern or Indian psychology is. And yet we need that independent streak that comes through the Western people and, and the teachings have to now come through the West until they get back to India and through a few more generations because India.. it's just the nature of how the energy needs to spread right now.
Jenna: Yeah, I just got huge chills as you said that. Yeah.
Lora: And according to Swami where the Southwest point of the globe according to him is California or maybe Los Angeles in terms of having an influence over the whole planet. And it's interesting that the majority of his students in the States are all from California, the majority and that's where we met him. He came to those places, you know, to Los Angeles and Northern and Bay area, Northern California to collect us.
Jenna: You know, what's also interesting about that, Lora? When I started this journey, I was in Texas for a long time with Whole Foods. And then when I left Whole Foods, I got guided to Sedona, Arizona, which is in the Southwest. It was this very clear like “you need to be in Sedona now, for the work you're about to do.” So that's interesting to think about.
Lora: Yeah. We were these souls that are on this path… it was designed like that. Like maybe we had most of our lifetimes in India, but not all because we've had so many hundreds of thousands or millions of lifetimes. But it was designed that we would be born over here intentional by the Divine to put us in the wombs of women that matched our karmic criteria, you know.
Jenna: Yeah that makes a lot of sense. And that's such a good example too of a breakdown that occurs in group harmony and in working together as people. And how to keep those communication channels open. So that there is that flow to a process that needs to occur. You talked about a story recently that I think would be a really cool additional example of that, if you're willing to share it. The story about the rain and the group work at the Ashram that time.. because that's such a cool example of what's possible when a group works together like that, right?
Lora: So that was in the spring of 2008 and the springtime in India is the hottest time. It's unbelievable, in April May. So it was the hot season. But there were I think 65 people, something like that at the Ashram and he decided to put the whole Ashram into one group. I mean all the people, all the Westerners at the Ashram in one group. And then he had to leave and we were doing meditations together and working towards following whatever guidance he was giving us. And he would always give out the mantras and give us all the instructions and then we would follow that and every single process was different. In any case he had to leave for four days to go to Europe to do some workshops. And before he left, he told us, “I want all of you to spend the time getting to know each other. You're not allowed to do mantras, you're not allowed to talk about spirituality. Your only job is to spend time together and learn about each other and everybody”. That threw everyone off because we've been meditating so much and it's almost, it's like running automatically in your consciousness anyways. But really it was about, putting your focus on the other people in this group. And we spent those four days, we sat in this big circle outside of the Dwarkamai terrace. And like popcorn style in a big circle, people just started to share… of course, some people were a little more dominating than others as always happens in groups, but over the course of four days and then having meals together and continuing it with smaller groups during the meals, something really happened. There was whatever blocks you might think somebody is like egotistical or someone is jealous all the time or whatever, but all that kind of breaks down when you get to know that person because you start to get a better understanding of who they are and what they've been through and then you have more compassion. Instead of what I think most people do. I mean, I've worked so hard not to get into that place of judging anyone, but it's a big, it's a curve, it's a process. And so we were at that stage where it was very harmonious and people were actually really inspired and you could feel the energy. And he came back from his trip and we were in a drought because it is a hot season and in India sometimes severe droughts are for several yearsSo he asked our group to make it to rain and he didn't give us instructions, he just told us. And because of this newfound group unity, we just all put the intention like really strong. We had a couple group leaders and we discussed it, and we put that intention really strong and it literally started to rain. The clouds started rolling in, like it was unbelievable and it was a strong downpour. And I think it was like all over the whole area, but it maybe hit the whole village and some areas around.
And then after time, I went in to see Baba and Swami was sitting in front of the Baba Temple in one of his regular places where he would hang out where he could look out over the garden and, and Hanuman and he just looked at me and he said, “you know, this is the happiest day of my life”. And people were literally like dancing, , on the Mandir garden that's like getting soaked from the rain after we've been in 100 and 10 degree temperatures.
Jenna: You can just picture this like such a like joyful scene. Like everyone just rejoicing about the rain. That's so cool.
Lora: It was, and it was different like, there was like a lightness to it all and that was 2008… and I had started going since ‘99 right? So for me, that was nine years in, that was a major development, like nothing like that since I had been there in terms of like the whole ashram being in a group or spending all of your time getting to know each other… that had not happened up to that point. So that was, I think for my soul really, a great learning experience for me.
Jenna: What a, fun experience. That's so cool and, thinking about that many people getting and in sync and in harmony. Like that's kind of hard… we see that around us, getting people to really come together like that is big work. So that's a huge accomplishment. That's really cool because our culture is so so much based on competition here in the West, right?
Lora: And this is the opposite… we're all an important ingredient in what we're creating and we need every person because every person has something special and unique. It’s never a competition.
Jenna: I love that you just brought that up. I think that's such an important point for everyone to reflect on because it's so easy to fall back into those moments of competition or judgment and yeah, such a good reminder. To just let that go.
Lora: And that was basically what crashed so many processes, either power struggles inside a group… who's the leader, who's doing this, or jealousy or feelings of left out. Part of it was a laboratory and part of why we kept doing all these different group processes… if the group was successful, he would keep that group together and some groups were together for years. If a group was not successful, you know, then he might, you shift you and make another group. I was like in the elephant group and we stayed together for a long time doing things together. And so he did create certain groups that really stuck together too.
It's interesting to bring Western people into the most advanced spiritual channels and train them.
Jenna: It’s like big unlearning. I've been reflecting on that, through this whole journey… just how much we have to unlearn… everything we got taught and every way we got programmed in Western culture. Most of that we have to throw out the window and start over, when we're on this path because a lot of it is negative in a way.
Jenna: So, I'd love to switch gears and talk about your power journeys. You've talked about Penukonda being a really important power spot and there's a number of other important power spots in India that you guide people to and you'll take people on these power journeys to these spots. Why is it important to go to these spots? Like what's special about these spots?
Lora: Well, first of all, Swami Kaleshwar said in the future, when they people see his photo through his eyes or Shirdi Baba through his eyes, if their soul is pulled, there's a reason for that. That means there's a connection and that's how the new people are getting pulled in or else maybe through the teacher or having an energy experience. So going back to the power spots, Penukonda is linked with other places, for example, Penukonda is what we would say is like the trunk of the tree and the root system. And Tirupati, which is the big Vishnu. The Lord Balaji Temple in Tirupati is the biggest power spot in India and is equal to the Vatican in terms of people visiting it like it. I think it has over 100 million visitors per year and Shirdi is approaching that. But it's an incredible place.
So what he said was that then, all the formulas came from Penukonda. And then they threw everything, all the formulas, everything they knew - the Vastu - into the temple, they built around Lord Balaji. So that is perfect Vastu. It's really good Vastu. And there's incredible energy mechanisms that happen when you visit this place. And so there's a link between Penukonda and Tirupati because it takes more than one place to see like the full impact of the power - of us utilizing the ancient power channels. And so, and then of course, when you go to Tirupati, you visit Kalahasti, which is linked - they're not that far from each other. Tirupati is Vishnu and Kalahasti is Shiva and they were also built similarly at the same time. They're not right next to each other, but there's a lot going on between those temples. And then we go to Shirdi which is the place, the Samadhi of Sri Kaleshwar's Guru, Shri Sai Baba. And that's linked because that's our guru's guru who's the one running the show right now behind the scenes. And Swami Kaleshwar, that is his guru. And he came through Swami to tell him what to do with everything, even though that they're equals, they're both Saptarishis, even a Saptarishi incarnates and has a guru. And sometimes they had arguments because Swami would like fight for students or maybe he would bring up the files because Baba would not give permission for such and such student to have such and such experience. And Swami would fight for them, you know, like argue. And maybe he had to sacrifice something which he did to help his students. He was there to prepare our souls to have all these experiences.
So going back to the power spots… it's about the links - also Hampi is an important place because there was the richest king in the world in the 1500s. Krishnadevaraya and that family reigned for a long time. What happened was he got fed up with - he was famous for two wives and a huge harem, you know of, of women. He was the most powerful king in the world, and that was his palace was in Hampi. But what happened was he met a saint named Tenali Ramakrishna and that was Sri Kaleshwar in this lifetime. And there's a whole interesting story around that… Tenali Ramakrishna was completely broke and to get his attention, to get into the court of Krishnadevaraya you had to bring a gift. And this is because he had his summer palace in Penukonda, which is next to our Ashram. So Sri Kaleshwar or Tenali Ramakrishna in that life was in Penukonda and he wanted to go to the court of the king and he had a little family but they had no money. So he got a stone… he found a rock and he wrapped it in some material and he like gave it so he could get in the door. And they had these competitions back in that day… like they didn't have what we have now, like payment. It was a long time ago. So they would have people traveling around and they would do these like debates or somebody would say, “OK, I'm gonna challenge everyone in your kingdom if they can repeat back what I'm saying”. This is an example… “And in exchange if I win, I win your kingdom.” That’s just one example… it was like entertainment for everybody on some level. But there were also high stakes involved. So Tenali Ramakrishna was in the audience and this person was passing by and he was making up words or he was saying things and he was clearly like, things were not looking good. And during this time, Krishnadevaraya noticed something about Tenali Ramakrishna. He noticed and saw something about him and he kept watching him. And then, I think he beckoned for him to stand up to challenge this guy. Like he felt the energy with him and Tenali Ramakrishna did. He was able to outsmart outwit the guy on the stage and thus, save the kingdom that round - amazing. And so he became his one of his main gurus or his main guru. And Krishnadevaraya went from a king to a saint. He literally had initiation in Hampi on the bottom of a Lingam. He had Jesus Darshan, he learned all the Jesus channels the same that Sri Kaleshwar is teaching or taught in this in his last life… I feel like he's still alive, he's still alive in me. So Krishnadevaraya is important to our lineage in many ways and because he also used his money once he changed. Then the whole kingdom got sacked because he lost interest in being a king and he left all the women. He just wanted to be going on a spiritual path and there was a hiccup but he got his channels back. So Hampi is very much linked. And actually the Dwarkamai and our power spots and… the Jyotir Lingham… the muddy sand around the bottom of Hampi was used… that's partly what's helped create that the Lingam and that link.
And then there's a link to Srisailam and he also told us everyone has to visit the Kumba Mela at least once in their lifetime. And those were the main places that we visited and he said it was very important for our souls to physically go to these places, to make those links.
Jenna: That makes sense.
Lora: Yeah. You get another piece of the higher energy. Each place that you travel to.
Jenna: It’s like walking in the footsteps of our gurus and most of us have probably had lifetimes in these different places. And it's like doing soul retrieval as we go around to these important spots. I kind of thought about that when I first went to India…I think part of why I'm going is I'm reconnecting with a part of my soul, that spent a lot of time there. And so it makes a ton of sense that we were just like we're connecting all the dots for our soul.
Lora: Exactly. And that's what I felt too is when I first went. I thought, “how does everything feel deja vu when I have not been here?”
Jenna: Right.
Lora: But I just felt like my soul came home. So Penukonda, for me, it feels like my soul home. And anyone that really goes there, they've already had lifetimes there to even go and spend time inside the Ashram because otherwise they wouldn't get pulled to do that. And most people have power spots that go there. They'll already have a power spot in there from some prior lifetime. There's already mechanisms in place that help create that feeling of everything is so familiar. And then Penukonda is also the first place that Mother Divine came in a form… in a physical form in this, on this planet. And it's in Penukonda the first time that she came into physical form. So there's a lot of creation energy there… and it's a big Mother Divine place. And we're all created by the Divine Mother. We're all a piece of her. So, that's what we're all working on is getting back to her through all these lifetime…
Jenna: And what a beautiful way to do that in this lifetime…by going there and attending your power journey. You've got one coming up in February.
Lora: Yes, I do. We will go to Shirdi, we will go to Shivaratri in Penukonda for the program, which is, I believe, five days. Then we'll go to Hampi for about four days and explore that area. And then we'll come back for the anniversary, the 12th anniversary of Sri Kaleshwar’s Mahasamadhi, which is also very auspicious timing because of the cycle of 12.
Jenna: And maybe if we do another chat at some point, we'll talk more about that and if there's any news to share with people who might be interested. We need to wrap up soon, but I want to also highlight your, your healing work because you're a, a powerful healer and you work directly with people. So what's your healing practice look like? And how can people engage in that with you?
Lora: Yeah. Thanks for asking. Well, I have two things. I've been a trauma healer since before I went to India. I trained with Peter Levine and also some with Judith Johnson. And so I've been doing that work for a long time and I continue to do that work because I find it's really a lot of people have such imbalance in their nervous system. It's hard for them to be relaxed and to be able to meditate and transition into their higher self. So to me that work is huge and super depth type of healing. But also the other type that I've learned from Swami Kesar and I have power objects. I learned so many healing techniques from Sri Kaleshwar and that's super deep on a soul level. So like the combination of both, it really can take somebody out of the darkest dark or the worst experience ever.. and I bring them step by step, step by step, all the way up and it's very rewarding work. So it depends on when somebody comes to me. I figure out what is best for that person and then I go from there. It’s alsointuitive and beautiful, beautiful.
Jenna: In our last chat with Cindy, we talked about power objects and how important those are for folks who are on this path wanting some assistance. And connecting with a teacher and healer like you who has some of those, those power objects is important. So I'm really glad you were able to share that, and that you have that practice available for people and they can reach out and connect.
Lora: I prefer to work with people in person because then I can put my power objects on them and I can do the womb chakra healings. However, I also can work through long distance, but in my opinion, it’s more powerful to work in person.
Jenna: So, and you're in San Francisco, correct?
Lora: I'm just north of San Francisco in Marin County. So for folks in California that might be, might be accessible, but I can talk with anyone and I have done a lot of other coaching and healing energy work over zoom too.
Jenna: So before we wrap up I'd love to just open it up to you to share maybe something that's on your heart. An aspect of the teachings or, maybe your favorite mantra or, or just something that might inspire the folks who are listening and give them some divine inspiration today. So I'd love to just open it up to you to, to wrap up today.
Lora: It’s a good question. I don't know if I just have like one favorite mantra. At the very beginning of my journey, it was the first earth mantra that hooked me… hooked me in the very beginning because of the energy that built up during the meditation. Of course, that happened so many times with so many mantras over the course of 12 years that I was living there, right? So it's hard to say what’s my favorite mantra? Of course, the highest divine energy point is to understand how things are working and then experiencing the reflection back from the nature. If you're holding your heart, if you can get into unconditional love, if you can really hold the energy in yourself. And then you were working with a group for example. And that to me that's the most um a beautiful and amazing part is when there is that reflection back from the nature in some way, like proving that you're on the right track, but also gently got leading you step by step, right? And to just accept that because the supernatural is not something that we're used to. And yet it's part of the answer to all the problems on this planet. And so it's like opening our heart up, opening up our consciousness to to look and see what the divine is bringing to us. What are the signs, what are the symptoms? So those are my, you know, of course, when I have had experiences those are huge highlights because they're markers and their signs on my path.
I think, it's hard, it breaks your mind. So to go to India with these teachings, in these places, there is that possibility, you can go to the highest level in this lifetime and it is the time right now, there's a window. I mean, I'm not definitely not selling spirituality, but this is just a fact, you know that there is in the midst of the chaos right now because the world is dual it's, negative and positive duality. So in the heat of this high negativity we're in, which is like 80% or 85% of the planet. There is the duality of that. That means the light can go just as high as the dark and so many souls can jump through this window right now, which is still open. It's really an opening and it's an invitation for those souls that feel pulled. And that's all it is. You can't force it… like you can't run away. Like I tried to run away … but if you're supposed to do this, like Swami would say Baba will even if you put lead weights on your ankles. He said Baba will pick you up like a little hummingbird and bring you up to Penukonda. If it's already written, if you're supposed to have this experience, something will keep coming up like some illusion will keep arising.
Jenna: I think that's such good advice to just, yeah, trust the process, no matter what, like trust the divine guidance that's coming to push us forward. But then to trust those moments where we're maybe getting a reflection to adjust or, or correct you know how we're operating or whatever it is. It's, it's a process, the whole thing, the whole, yeah, point of the spiritual evolution is a process and we just have to trust it as it's happening.
Lora: And the hard part is… and this is why Shirdi Baba always said faith and patience. The hard part is you can't imagine at the beginning, what you're gonna feel later on. It's like I could never imagine that it's step by step, like drops coming in. It's like the merging in my inner self with my guru and the feeling of dropping in… just dropping into that energy and that bliss. It took me a very long time to get there. It's like the gift is not in the beginning. The gift is through the hard work and the open heart and the dedication… then the gift is waiting for you and it's more amazing than you could ever imagine.
Jenna: Oh, I love that. I think that's such a beautiful, beautiful place to end and wrap up on. And to just reflect on all those gifts that are waiting for us as we do the work and move through the processes. Well, thank you so much, Laura for being with us today and sharing so much of your heart and your wisdom and your experiences. It's so important, for us to hear from you and to learn from you. And I'm just so grateful to be here.
Lora: And thank you, Jenna and Jenna is pretty amazing too. So maybe I'll be interviewing her next.
Jenna: Oh, that'd be fun. We could, we could flip it.
Lora: Yeah. Well, thank you so much Jenna and thank you. Yeah.
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