How to Set Up Lists & Tags in Kartra (+ Best Practices)

Do you have 500+ tags in your email marketing system (and you don’t even remember what half of them were for)?


Or a different list for each of your freebies and products?


The purpose of lists and tags is to be able to easily segment your subscribers so you can tailor your communication with them effectively. And, let’s face it, you can’t do that with a mess of lists and tags. 


So, let’s talk best practices for organizing your lists and tags in your email marketing system AND exactly how you can set them up in Kartra! 


You might be confused about the difference between lists and tags and which to use when.


While there’s no definitive answer to that, there are some best practices you can follow to keep things super simple and organized. 


Lists are broad categories in which you place your subscribers. These are segments you use regularly. Some key lists you may want to have are: 

  • All Subscribers

  • Newsletter Subscribers

  • Customers 

Watch the full tutorial above for an explanation of each of these and how they work together to help you target your marketing. I’ll also walk you through a simple automation you can set up in Kartra to keep contacts organized in these lists without you needing to lift a finger. 


Tags are more specific markers that allow you to keep more detailed information on each of your subscribers. It’s helpful to categorize them and have naming conventions to make it easier for you to actually use them for effective targeting. 


Typical categories you can sort your tags into include: 

  • Purchases

  • Cart Abandons

  • Behavior

  • Internal

  • Freebies

You can further keep things clean by having standard naming conventions for tags within each of these categories. Here are some examples you can steal! 

  • Purchase-ProductName

  • CartAbandon-ProductName

  • Viewed-SalesPageName

  • Clicked-PageLink

  • Freebie-FreebieName-OptedIn

  • Freebie-FreebieName-Downloaded

  • Freebie-XYZChallenge-ChallengeDate-Registered

You can also use abbreviations to keep your tags even more concise. For example, insead of ‘Freebie’, as used above, you can use “LM” for Lead Magnet. Or you can use “CA” for Cart Abandons, etc. 

Keep your focus on sharing value and using targeted communications to connect with your audience. Don’t allow things like sorting through lists and tags hold you back. Watch the full tutorial above for a step-by-step walk-through of how to set up lists and tags in your Kartra.


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