If you're like most massage therapists, your Facebook page isn't quite hitting it big in the authority department.

But it could be! Transform your page from Trash to Cash™ in 8 super simple steps with the FB Makeover™. Inside, I'll help you Analyze your Insights™, take out the trash, and build a page full of authority so you can stop being an invisible therapist and start standing out in your community as the expert.

The price goes up soon, so snag your savings today!

Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • You know you need a dedicated FB page for your business, but you struggle with content.

  • You know your page should be helping you build your business, but it's just costing you time and frustration.

  • You know you need to keep posting to build awareness, but you struggle with inconsistency.

  • You know branding is important, but your page looks like it's just been thrown together.

  • You keep hearing that strategy is key, but you have no idea what a strategy is.

  • You want to generate appointments, so you fill your page with discounts.

  • You struggle with choosing content that builds your authority, but you've created a page full of "book now!" - which is actually damaging your authority position.

What if you could give your FB page a mega makeover in just a few hours?

Your FB could very well be the first point of contact for potential clients. If it's not converting them into appointments, it's costing you money - money you probably can't afford to lose.

What if I showed you how to turn your content into paying clients?

I'm talking about ideal clients; the ones that you want to work with. The type of clients that will return over and over again for years to come.

What if this time next month you're able to fill up your schedule with clients who need what you have to offer and are more than willing to pay your full rate?

Would you feel proud of yourself? How would a bigger bank account help your situation?
What if you could create content that's engaging and underscores your authority position - and do it consistently?

Stop struggling to figure out what to post and how often to post it and start getting it done.

What if you could stop posting discounts forever?

It's time to stop bleeding money left, right, and center. Heal the money hurt by focusing on your expertise, not begging for appointments by doling out discounts.

If you're ready to take your FB page from Trash to Cash™, grab FB Makeover™ right now.

When trying to build your business, have you ever relied on:


✖️ Paid advertising


✖️ Discounts


✖️ Posting all of your available appointments


✖️ Deals of the day


These methods are ineffective and strip your pockets, no matter what educator, employer, or well-meaning friend tells you otherwise.


While you could get a few one-off clients here or there, these methods fail to produce high quality, lifetime clients. I bet you're sick of struggling with these methods; am I right?


One of my best secrets to building a solid business focuses on:


✔️ Analyzing your Insights™


✔️ Taking out the Trash™


✔️ Accelerating with Automations™


What is this secret? A FB page mega makeover! I'm talking about leveraging the power of social media to build your brand, underscore your authority position, and highlight your expertise.


This isn't about posting a bunch of discounts or screaming "BOOK NOW!" - it's about creating a page a page that works for you. It's about what to post, when to post, and how to capture the attention of your ideal clients.

If you're ready to harness the power of free social media, grab FB Makeover™ today!

Hey there! I'm Melinda Hastings, Board Certified Massage Therapist, NCBTMB Approved CE Provider, 6x serial entrepreneur, and owner of Inspired Therapist Seminars.


If you asked me 24 years ago if I would be a leading massage educator - or if I would be charging double the national average, I would have laughed until I cried.


My journey from charging $10 an hour to my current premium price is one that I'm extremely proud of. It took me years to develop the systems I now teach therapists just like you.


Because I understand the struggle firsthand, my goal is to pull as many therapists up along side me as I can. I want every therapist to realize their dreams and create thriving practices.


I created The Profit Project™ to help you discover your true profit potential so you can take the first steps to bridging the gap to your dream income.


I've made the mistakes and suffered the consequences, but you don't have to.

What You'll Learn

In just a few hours, you can learn all the tools you need to give your FB page a mega makeover.


Analyzing your Insights™

Get familiar with the insights that matter so you can track the health of your page. Proper tracking allows you to stay on top of your game so you can maximize your money-making potential. ($77 value)


Taking out the Trash™

Not everything on your page is building your authority position - but it should be. Learn how to separate the trash from the cash and how to keep your page from looking like a dump. ($197 value)


Inspired Posts™

Content that's inspired by your expertise, with a specific strategy to build upon previous posts will help you better connect with clients and increase your know/like/trust factors. Learn how to develop content that speaks from your heart, while honoring your expertise. ($147 value)


Trash the Over Ask™

Most therapists saturate their FB page with discounts, referral rewards, and alllll the openings in their schedule. And they wonder why no one is begging for an appointment. Learn how to implement the 80/20 rule and stop overwhelming your clients. ($77 value)


Make 'em Wait Strategy™

Creating and enforcing the Make 'em Wait Strategy™ underscores your authority position and helps you take back control of your time. You deserve time freedom! ($47 value)


Automate to Accelerate™

Time is money - and you can't afford to waste it. Accelerate your productivity with automations and gain some time freedom! ($77 value)


I've got A's for your Q's

How long do I have access to this course?

You actually get lifetime access! As long as this course exists, you'll be able to access the videos and cheatsheets.

Do I need to be an owner?

This course was created with independent therapists in mind, but will absolutely benefit all therapists no matter your employment category.  

How long will this course take to finish?

In just a few hours, you'll have all the tools you need to take your FB page from trash to cash. Implementing the 8 steps is easy!

What is the refund policy?

Because you get immediate access to the course videos and downloadable cheat sheets, there are no refunds.

What kind of support is available?

If you have trouble accessing the videos or downloading the cheat sheets, I'm happy to get that sorted for you via email.


If you prefer private, 1:1 help giving your FB page a mega makeover, please reach out to me via email to schedule a Jump Start Session

What kind of results can I see?

A beautiful page that showcases your expertise and builds a solid foundation of authority will help you go from invisible to stand-out. You'll be able to attract your ideal clients and fill your schedule

How can this help me?

Transforming your FB page into one that engages and converts your ideal clients will allow you to build a solid schedule so you can crush your profit goals.

Who is This For?

Therapists who are tired of being invisible...


You want to stand out, but you're still just another therapist in town.


You've asked for advice in all the massage FB groups, but nothing is working.


You post frequently, but your content is a wreck .


You want potential clients to know you're an expert, but your message has gotten buried in the trash.


A FB Makeover™ is exactly what you need to stop being invisible and become the go-to therapist in your community.

How does this work?

Every Inspired Therapist Seminars course is designed to be easy to accessed, digested, and and implemented so you can get results quickly.

Step 1: Click the link below ⬇️

Step 2: Download the Worksheets

These worksheets are designed to be used along with the course videos.

Step 3: Watch the Videos

In just a few short hours, you can learn how to give your FB page the mega makeover it desperately needs.


FB Makeover™

Get FB Makeover™ today before the price goes up.

Now includes 4.5 CEs!