Foods that Disrupt the Hormones

Everything that you eat has a direct effect on your body. Whatever you are feeding to your body, it will show its effects, some show it in a positive way while others have some negative influences. Sometimes we disrupt our hormones by eating foods that we should not be eating. But hormones also have a way of showing that they are not being treated well and you will start seeing the effects very quickly.


Not all foods are bad but some of them are just not good for your body particularly because simply your hormones don’t seem to like them. Now based on general behavior and observation we have a made a list for you that explains some of the most common foods that are seeing to be messing with hormones. But you must know that every human body is different and reacts differently to these foods.

  1. Sugar

I think we all know that sugar is the culprit of many problems that arise in the human body and disrupting the hormones is one of them. Sugar can very easily cause a hormonal imbalance of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Why does it happen? Its pretty simple. As you intake sugar your blood starts taking the energy to the cells. But when the intake is high the cells finally start resisting more incoming sugar. Now since the body is busy with all the sugar situation the other hormones become imbalanced and disrupt the whole hormonal system of the body. So, we suggest that you only keep a healthy amount of sugar in your diet, only as much as your body needs it.

  1. Nightshades

Nightshade is a whole family of flowering plants. They include different fruits and vegetables that are in fact not good for your body as they increase the inflammation of the body. They contain solanine which is a chemical known for its inflammation properties. Foods like white potatoes, peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes are part of this family of plants. These are also high in calories, which is also not good for your hormones. Inflammation of the body leads to a hormonal imbalance which further causes stress, mood swings etc.

  1. White bread

Everything that promotes inflammation in the body is not good for your hormones. White bread is no different than the others. Its actually even more dangerous because it contains both gluten and sugar so the amount of effect it has on your hormones is unimaginable. So, we recommend that you avoid this food every morning.

  1. Coffee

Yes, we cannot get up and work unless we have had our coffee. But we don’t know that coffee is actually the culprit of many problems. Yes, it does give you an instant energy boost but that only lasts for about 2 to 3 hours. As the effect reduces you start feeling anxious and you just need to have your coffee. This is caused due to the caffeine that is messing with your hormones and you need to reduce the consumption of coffee in your life. It’s just not good for you.

Now you might have noticed that these foods mentioned are a staple food in almost every house. Which means that you are always at risk of hormonal imbalance due to food. Therefore, it is very important that you get yourself checked for any allergies, intolerances. Seek help from your Natural Health Practitioner to guide you of the best option available to save you from getting a hormonal imbalance and those severe mood swings or face burst outs.

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