I’m Dana. A mom and yoga teacher turned health and life coach – whose husband used to call her “the most stressed out yoga teacher in the world.”


Before I started integrating the ancient wisdom Ayurveda into my life, I felt like my life was not my own. I was stuck in a victim mentality – unhappy, unsatisfied and frustrated that I never had enough time for myself. 

I knew something had to change but I had no idea what.

Then after learning how to align with nature’s rhythms, my life transformed. By making time to take care of myself, I became whole again.

As a result of this new way of life, my purpose became clear AND I had the energy, drive, motivation and enthusiasm to follow it.

From that point forward, I began sharing these life-changing tools and secrets with other struggling women ready to take back their power.

I’ve helped hundreds of students transform their lives. 

It took me YEARS to make the shift, but I’ve streamlined the journey to help YOU get there faster.

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