Restoring Our American Republic,
Outside the Election Process
Fiction Novels
Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel
Note: Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel and Trapped by Political Desire: The Treatise are two versions of the same overall story. The Treatise was written first, and goes into greater detail on various constitutional issues, while The Novel has added character development and more emphasis on the storyline. The author would typically recommend The Novel to most readers.
Do Supreme Court justices have the magical power as claimed, to reinterpret words and phrases found in the Constitution? Or, are they bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, as it openly declares? It cannot be both.
Fortunately, we may test false claims, even by going so far as pushing them to their illogical extreme. Like, for instance, the absurd claim from 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland, regarding the unfathomable power of the court to redefine the constitutional phrase “necessary and proper” to mean only “convenient.”
If judges truly have the fantastic power to reinterpret the Constitution’s words for the whole country, then nothing is stopping them from changing the word “Year”—relating to Congressional and Presidential terms—to mean instead a “decade” or a “century.”
Wouldn’t it be “convenient” for incumbents, if they could continue to serve, without having to face another election, because they could rule for a lifetime?
Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel, to read the story of one patriot who had enough of such nonsense, so he set a trap using as bait the promise of extended political terms, to catch fraudulent wizards in their web of lies.
It turns out that even the highly-unusual exception to all the normal rules is itself one of the listed rules of the written Constitution. This gives laws enacted in pursuance of the exclusive legislation powers of Congress for the District Seat sufficient color of law, for federal servants to extend these special powers beyond their true geographic confines, at least when no one is paying appropriate attention to stop the scoundrels correctly. Thankfully, we merely face the false extension of allowed special powers beyond allowable boundaries.
Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Novel to learn how to Restore Our American Republic, once and for all or happily-ever-after, outside the election process.
Liberty awaits your decision to pursue it.
Trapped by Political Desire: The Treatise
After decades of failing to reach his fellow conservatives, it was time for Will Hartline to try something radical enough to get noticed.
He decided to “help” his political adversaries advance their cause, but really only as a trap to expose their deceptive tactics to the bright light of day.
The “bait” he used for his Political Year Strategy was brilliantly simple — he merely called for Congress to change Election Day to February 29th.
Changing the date for elections to the only date that showed up once roughly every four calendar years, would create a new “Political Year” that could be used for federal elections and the length of elected federal terms. The “Political Year” would be defined as the interval of time until the date designated [for elections] again showed up on the calendar.
Suddenly, it would appear that American Presidents who serve a four-year term could now serve four “Political Years” (four leap years — 16 calendar years), while Representatives serving two [political] years would serve eight calendar years and Senators who serve six [political] years, 24 calendar years.
But, as his political adversaries sought to implement his strategy — so they could extend their political terms four-fold — they wouldn’t notice that they were simultaneously building Will the name recognition and political platform he had never been able to build himself.
And, once he found his new political voice, he would spring his trap, baited with the promise of extended political terms.
In the process of springing his trap, he would also expose the fallacy underlying 200 years of U.S. Supreme Court’s “reinterpreting” other words found in the Constitution, differently, to increase federal powers.
Read Trapped by Political Desire: The Treatise and learn how to throw off two centuries of federal oppression that is reliant upon redefined words and inherent federal discretion, so we may finally restore our American Republic, Once and For All and Happily-Ever-After.
Fighting Back against The Decree of '33
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s gold confiscation of April 5, 1933 was tough on private citizens, but even tougher on coins.
Confiscated gold coins, sacrificed in pits of fire, were melted and cast into gold bars to serve at the feet of their mortal enemy, paper currency.
Then, it was silver’s turn at the axe in 1965, as President Lyndon B. Johnson’s substituted silver with copper and nickel as would a common counterfeiter.
For another 50 years, gold and silver meekly accepted whatever came their way, a natural outgrowth of their age-old Supreme Mandate of “Non-Interference” with the human world.
But, thousands of years of principled monetary action may not be so easily extinguished, and once revived in spirit, spreads like wildfire.
With two historical gold coins helping lead the way, growing numbers of young commemorative and bullion coins began throwing caution to the wind, discarding the plastic shells they received as parting gifts from the mint, to go “Freewheeling.”
Daring to face the world without their protective gear, the young coins quickly realize they are individuals, all with their own hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. And, that is precisely when George—the 1999 $5 gold coin commemorating the country’s first human President—questions the conventional wisdom of precious metals’ age-old Mandate.
A great conference is called to answer his bold challenges.
Soon, a new mandate is ratified—“Principles first and always”—indirectly declaring war on precious metals’ opportunistic enemies—paper currency and base metal coins.
Fighting the War of Financial Integrity to redeem themselves, gold and silver coins help humanity throw off its own shackles, restoring fiscal sanity and individual freedom throughout the lost land of corrupted government.
Read Fighting Back against The Decree of ’33 and rediscover the freedom you incorrectly thought was lost forever.
Bald Justice
The century-old Evanston farmhouse was demolished to make way for development. Looking to save a few foundation bricks as keepsakes, Mark Evanston stumbled upon his great-grandfather's long-lost million-dollar gold cache, along with his great-grandfather's monetary research.
After word spread about the gold discovery, U.S. Marshals soon arrived with a warrant to seize it, saying the great-grandfather failed to turn in his gold as commanded in 1933 by President Roosevelt.
Mark began studying his great-grandfather's legal writings to compliment his own research to aid their defense.
When the U.S. Treasurer admitted the validity of Mark's research during a deposition, prosecutors dropped the case & returned the gold.
After announcement that the U.S. Treasurer was resigning for personal reasons, an investigative reporter began looking into the story.
Sinister parties took drastic action to prevent publication of Mark's research, kidnapping him and blowing up his home.
With Mark's abduction, the former treasurer who had spoke only intermittently with the reporter opened up and told her story. With his rescue, the reporter wrote a prizewinning
story with a happy ending.
One family's loss of personal history helped America regain hers, clearing the path for the United States of America to again become the bright Beacon of Liberty in a world all too
full of darkness and despair.
Read Bald Justice to discover how America's fundamental principles have been turned upside-down for 150 years.
Base Tyranny
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s gold confiscation of April 5, 1933 was tough on private citizens, but even tougher on coins.
Confiscated gold coins, sacrificed in pits of fire, were melted and cast into gold bars to serve at the feet of their mortal enemy, paper currency.
Then, it was silver’s turn at the axe in 1965, as President Lyndon B. Johnson’s substituted silver with copper and nickel as would a common counterfeiter.
For another 50 years, gold and silver meekly accepted whatever came their way, a natural outgrowth of their age-old Supreme Mandate of “Non-Interference” with the human world.
But, thousands of years of principled monetary action may not be so easily extinguished, and once revived in spirit, spreads like wildfire.
With two historical gold coins helping lead the way, growing numbers of young commemorative and bullion coins began throwing caution to the wind, discarding the plastic shells they received as parting gifts from the mint, to go “Freewheeling.”
Daring to face the world without their protective gear, the young coins quickly realize they are individuals, all with their own hopes, dreams, wishes and desires. And, that is precisely when George—the 1999 $5 gold coin commemorating the country’s first human President—questions the conventional wisdom of precious metals’ age-old Mandate.
A great conference is called to answer his bold challenges.
Soon, a new mandate is ratified—“Principles first and always”—indirectly declaring war on precious metals’ opportunistic enemies—paper currency and base metal coins.
Fighting the War of Financial Integrity to redeem themselves, gold and silver coins help humanity throw off its own shackles, restoring fiscal sanity and individual freedom throughout the lost land of corrupted government.
Read Fighting Back against The Decree of ’33 and rediscover the freedom you incorrectly thought was lost forever.
Bare Liberty
As these proud and once-prosperous United States of America continue in tragic decline, Mark Evanston leaps back into action in the third and final installment of the Bald Justice series, Bare Liberty.
Working with his colleagues at the Patriot Corps, Mark continues on with his Patriot Quest to eliminate government tyranny, once and for all.
Mark routs out evil where it lurks most prevalently, within our monetary system which was cleverly separated from the gold and silver coin which is otherwise required by our U.S. Constitution.
By understanding precisely how our government is able to ignore the Constitution with impunity, Mark soon devises his proposed cure, his Once and For All Amendment.
Bare Liberty provides the solid rationale for proposing and ratifying a new constitutional amendment in story form, to close the constitutional loophole which has always allowed government to act in all cases whatsoever, to act everywhere except where they are expressly prohibited from acting.
By Building Awareness of Republican Knowledge, the Patriot Corps is able to help Restore Our American Republic. By individually learning to B.A.R.K., collectively we may learn to R.O.A.R.
The Peculiar Conundrum
Envision for a moment, the following nonsensical sportscast:
It wouldn’t take much of a sports enthusiast to realize something was strangely amiss with this “game,” as the rules and terms from soccer, baseball, basketball, and football were all intermixed into one bewildering event.
And, with millions of die-hard sports fans across America who intricately know every rule and regulation of their favored sport, there is about zero chance any huckster would succeed in passing this off as a legitimate game.
But, replace the game with politics, law, and government, and tragically the most sacred of our country’s founding legal and moral principles may be substituted by their polar opposites with nothing but the weak objections of a few government watchdogs.
That our written Constitution seems less-fixed than the rules of sports undoubtedly has a great deal to do with the widespread difference of understanding between the two.
Given that the average American understands the rules of sports far better than of government, it will ultimately prove easier to show how important governing principles have been cleverly circumvented if a story is told where complicated legal principles are substituted with simple rules of sports.
The Peculiar Conundrum is a sports allegory that lays bare two centuries of government nonsense. It exposes the odd phenomenon of members of Congress and federal officials seemingly acting contrary to founding principles with impunity, so we may finally end the methodical push toward absolute tyranny.