HOW to work remotely successfully – #5 Tips from an 🏆 award-winning post-production artist.


During this unprecedented time, most of us have been subjected to working from home. 


Everyone I’ve Skyped, Zoomed and Facetimed over the last few weeks keep asking me “Nick, why are you so calm?”. 


I’ve been doing this for many years now and have fortunately thrived from working remotely in my studio for some of the biggest brands including AdidasSpotifyDoveHuaweiGucciJack DanielsPepe Jeans and Youtube.


I’ve been asking myself, how can I give value back to others during this unfortunate circumstance we’re in? 


I’d like to start with sharing what helps me to be more productive: a workspace where I can concentrate, managing my time effectively, and being focused to avoid that enemy we call ‘procrastination’.


This is an opportune time to work on things that you’ve been putting off and they’re not all ‘work’ orientated. 


Here are my top #5 tips (with some very cool bonus links below). 

#1 Environment


This is the foundation of setting up a supporting workspace, once you have this in place you will be in full-swing for your working days ahead.

  • Workspace - Define what is your workspace and what is your personal space. If you’re fortunate enough to have a separate room to work in, dedicate the room or an area for this. The key is to create a space that is focusedclean and organised. If working at home isn’t an option, think of joining a co-working space or desk sharing


  • Desk - Your workspace should be free from distractions, only have things that are conducive to your work. Take away anything that has the potential to reduce your focus and include anything that supports your concentration. Take a minimalistic approach.


  • Setting - Sit next to a window and near sunlight if possible, seeing the outside world helps you feel more connected. Ensure your environment isn’t too noisy and you can hone in to hear your own thoughts. 


  • Technology - It’s key to invest in technology that will enhance your productivity and concentration. Multiple screens usually allow you to have your go-to apps all open at a glance and let you focus on your work. 


  • Comfort - This is often overlooked, invest in a comfortable chair with back support. If you find your desk is too low for your chair, invest in a laptop stand to raise it to your eye line. 

#2 Time-management


  • Mindset - Defining when is the time to work and when is the time to rest is vital. Set out a work schedule that suits you and your clients. Be clear with your clients ahead of time what hours you work so there’s full transparency for when they need to get their last rounds of feedback in. 
  • Schedule. It can look something like this: work 9am-1pm, lunch 1pm - 2pm, work 2-6pm. Set 15-minute breaks and even alarms to stretch your legs in-between.
  • Calendar - Block out the times above in your calendar. Always buffer in 10% extra time for client phone calls, to reply to emails and make amends from the client. It’s always best to under-promise and over-deliver.
  • Log off - Know when to log off, stick to the hours that you’ve set out to work and ensure you are ‘clocking out’ from work. You are in charge of making sure the two-worlds don’t cross over.

#3 Productivity


  • Strategy - Before starting your day, list down all the tasks you have to do and break them down into smaller chunked tasks. If tasks are made more achievable, you’ll be more likely to act on them and keep momentum up.


  • Prioritise, prioritise, prioritise - Section your tasks into 4 quadrants. 1) being of most importance, 4) being of least importance:

1) Important and urgent

2) Urgent, not important

3) Important, not urgent

4) Not important, not urgent


  • Tools - Trello is my go-to app for strategising and monitoring my goals and teams’. An easy way to begin is to create ‘Trello cards’ for each task and placing them in 3 simple ‘lists’ to be donedoingdone. 


  • Communication - Whether you use slack, e-mails or calls to communicate with your client, ask them how often they’d like you to check in with them. Define when they want to see progress and be clear on what your deadlines and targets are.

#4 Focus


Stuck for ideas on what to do in your day? There are always ways to grow your business, market yourself, enhance your body of work and get clients. If you’re not working on a project here are suggestions that usually make up my day:

  • Update your website, portfolio or CV - This is likely to increase your chances to get the jobs you want. 


  • Work on personal-projects - I’ve gotten countless jobs because I created work that demonstrated a skillset, style or an idea that a client later wanted for themselves. If you’re stuck for creating your own ideas, collaborating with others on passion projects is also a great way to flex your skills. 


  • Contact existing clients - Reach out to clients to let them know your availability, share a link to your latest cool project, inform them of your latest equipment or skills you’ve gained. Highlight that you would like to work with them in the near future.  


  • Apply for jobs/projects - Create profiles on new job sites, pitch your services to companies you’d love to work with, e-mail them your latest CV and portfolio. 


  • Networking - To expand your network, book events in the dairy. If you can’t meet in person, book in video calls, ask peers if there’s anyone that needs your services and see if they can introduce you to one another. 


  • Social media - Not the Facebook scrolling kind, post updates on Instagram about your latest creation, write an article on Linked-in, join Facebook groups in your industry and participate.

#5 Mental well-being


  • Community - We’re social creatures so spend time building a community to unwind. Some ways for you to meet other people include Meetup, a social group or a co-working space. For those that can’t meet face-to-face, video calls are the next best thing. Using SkypeZoomFacetime and Google hangouts can feel like you’re in the same room catching up with a friend, loved one or client. 


  • Have a practice - A powerful way to ground yourself and tune in is Meditation. My go-to app for guided meditation is Headspace. For Yoga, check out Conscious Life


  • Exercise - This one’s a no-brainer, schedule time in that you stick to for your workouts. Set a realistic schedule for when and how long to work out for and don’t let anything get in your way of it. 

*Oh...One more thing!*


Here are some topical resources to propel your studies and creativity:



  • 11 free creative softwares for artists.



Audible just made hundreds of titles completely free to help during coronavirus crisis.

Online free courses

Stay healthy and safe,


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