Freelancer Tip #10 your WHY – discover your purpose.


The difference


You know when you hear someone who's so passionate and so clear about what they do in life.

They have a strong sense of purpose and you want a piece of it too. 

You're wondering, how are they so charismatic? How do they have so much clarity when they speak? 

Who made them like this!?

Well, I can tell you one thing for certain...

They've figured out their WHY.


The problem


Too many freelancers I speak to, don't consciously understand 'why they do what they do'. 

Without a clear sense of purpose, there's a tendency to drift and go with the flow. 

There's a lack of leadership in your business and ownership for making things happen.


The solution


Simple, to figure out your WHY. 

This is the reason you get out of bed in the morning, the reason you persevere through those tough times when clients are throwing all kinds of challenges at you. 

Do you want to decipher in your purpose?

Keep on reading...



Always remind yourself why you are freelancing, stick it on your wall to give yourself a kick when you need it. 


Remind yourself YOU are a leader...YOU.


If you haven’t thought about this already, ask yourself what is your mission statement? 


  • What is your vision for the company? 
  • What is the highest purpose of your company and why does it exist?
  • Why should clients work with you rather than with your competitors?


Define your WHY


Once you do this you will always be able to cross-check your actions and use this to guide you in the right direction. 

Your WHY is the backbone of your company, it’s the driving force behind your actions which intimately links with your values. 

Your values are: the things that are important to you. It's vital to understand them because they often cross over with your work and personal life. Your values are behind your thoughts, decisions and actions. 


Highlighting your values and your why may be easy for some if you need to reignite your driving force, inject more passion and gain clarity on WHY you do WHAT you do.  


If you really care about why you do what you do, stay tuned.

My Recommendations


Here are some resources that have had a tremendous impact on me:

  • Start With Why - A book about leaders and their motivations.
  • My 31 Practices - This book can help you translate your values into practical actions and behaviours. 




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Celebrating your purpose. 

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