FREE Live Course: How to Lose 20lbs in 2020 Without Falling off Track by removing the mental and emotional barriers that keep you stuck!

Remove the mental and emotional barriers to weight loss so that you can create a healthy lifestyle on your own terms and lose weight without falling off track!

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Dear friend, 


I want to help at least 100 people lose 20lbs in 2020...starting in October.  And, I want you to be one of them!


I'm creating a new course called "How to Lose 20lbs in 12 weeks without Falling off Track".  


And it's different than anything you’ve ever done before!


There’s no calorie counting, there’s no points, no torturous workouts...and we don’t use willpower!


I’ll lead you through a fun and easy 30-minute exercise each week, for 12 weeksdesigned to remove the mental and emotional barriers that are keeping you from dropping the weight.


Because the hardest part about losing weight isn’t knowing what to do, it’s getting yourself to do it!


But, I need your advice!  


I want to make sure I don't leave anything out, so will you let me know your biggest question about how to lose weight?  It could be anything!  


All you have to do is type your question in the box above and click Submit.  And, in exchange for your advice, I'll give you FREE access to my Course!


This course will sell for $497 in the near future, but you'll get special access to experience the course for free when you let me know your #1 question.   


Hurry, this offer ends Sept 30!

I always thought it was what I was eating, but it's not just the food...It doesn't matter if you are eating all of the right foods if you aren't finding the root cause and getting down into cures for the issues you're having.    


I have gained a lot more self-awareness about what I eat, what I think about, what I see. I feel empowered. You’ve given us so many tools so that we can work things out on our own.   Now I know who I am and not what I am.

Ryan and Samantha Parker

Here's how we'll do it!


  • Step 1: Attend a Welcome Webinar

    Attend one of the welcome webinars by Oct 1st.  Get your questions answered and learn why the FREED Method works, and how it's going to create results for you in the weeks ahead!

  • Step 2: Join the Private Facebook Group

    I'll deliver a new, 30-min class every week LIVE on the Facebook group.  You can watch classes live or catch the replay anywhere.  Don't like Facebook?  Come to the welcome webinar for details on how to access the course through my course portal.

  • Step 3: Watch the 30-min LIVE Classes

    These short, powerful mental exercises each week will blast through mental barriers and help you become a NEW, healthier version of yourself.  Watch LIVE or catch the replay anytime from anywhere.

  • Step 4: Use the Extra Support as Needed

    Use the Q&A disscussions after each week's class and the Lose 20 Workbook to get the best results from the course!  You can participate as little or as often as you'd like!

Because the hardest part about losing weight ISN'T knowing what to do...


It's getting yourself to actually DO IT!

What it's like to work with Michele!

“I’m getting so much more out of this than I thought possible.  I was thinking the only thing we’d talk about is food and issues and problems surrounding that.  This is tackling so many things!"

Christal Anderson

"Before, I didn't have the courage to do it, but now I've learned new truths and I can't go back.  I am focusing on what's important and listening to my body better.  My mind was mad and resistant before, but now I think 'maybe my body is trying to tell me something,' and I'm willing to let it go for something better." 

Carla Harper

I just wanted to acknowledge the big elephant 🐘 in the room!


You are probably wondering...why am I doing this for free?  What's in it for me?  


Well, let me tell you!


My big, altruistic reason is...


To help people learn about the plant-based diet!  I get so frustrated when I see people struggling and I know the answer!  


My other reasons are...


1. I want to make a course that is A-mazing.  That really helps people lose weight on a plant-based diet, and to do that I need to KNOW what you are struggling with, not just think that I know.


2.  Doing it for free gives me a chance to stay motivated in creating the course by interacting with real people.


3.  I can get great testimonials from you that I can use to promote the course in the future.


4. Meet a lot of great people and have some fun!


5.  I'm hoping you'll want to hire me as your coach...because that's where the real progress happens!


6. Set myself up to make money in the long run--because making money is F-U-N!



Does that sound fair?

Still Not Sure?

Answer the question below and attend the Welcome Webinar to have all of your questions answered.  If it's still not for you, there's no obligation to participate in the course.

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