8 Steps to free your inner power

by Michael Alexander Arnold.



In this time of global change and transition, each one of us plays a specific role. No one incarnated on earth at this particular time by accident. Every human being contributes to the next level of our collective evolution - be it consciously or un-consciously.  


Yet, many people feel stuck and powerless in light of the global events that take place right now. So the question is: What brings our real power back to make a difference? What helps us connect deeper with our innate ability to express who we truly are and what we came here to do? Here are eight steps that can help you free your inner power. 


1) Free yourself from the illusion of powerlessness and insignificance


The world only reflects what we think of ourselves. Sometimes we tell ourselves: "I come from a small village from a small country. I have no special education. So what should I be able to do?" Or we tell ourselves: "I am too old, I am too young, I have two kids..." Whatever the narrative, it keeps us stuck. Little do we know that all arrangements come with a specific reason. Maybe you need to be from a small village in a small country. Remember Frodo from the Shire in "The Lord of the Rings." It was the smallest and weakest one that caused Mordor's empire to fall. For he seemed to be too insignificant to deal with. But he wasn't. 


It's not about your position or your education. It's more about your specific task in this life. Maybe it's about your ability to love darkness unconditionally (which will transcend it). It could also be your ability to do finest energetic work. Perhaps you reach wide and far into the networks of this planet by bringing light into darkness, causing darkness to develop a longing to be light again. Or it's about your work as a healer, healing individuals one by one, helping reach critical mass.


And maybe you do exactly that, while you live in a small village, in a small country, while your two kids play around you.


The question is: How can we free ourselves from the illusion of powerlessness? The old mystics and modern science tell us: Mind shapes matter. Consciousness impacts reality. So focus all your energy in the present moment and decide consciously to let go of all illusions of powerlessness and insignificance. If you want to say a prayer, say something like: "Dear God, dear Universe, infinite Spirit (or whatever speaks to you), thank you for helping me to let go of all illusions of powerlessness and insignificance in my systems. Thank you for helping me to see what my task is and to execute it now in perfect harmony with my soul's path.”


2) Take all externalized power back.

Sometimes we have experiences that cause us to believe that all power necessary to change reality is only found in the outside world. Sometimes we think: "I don't have any power. My Boss, the economy, the government has power, but I don't." And sometimes, these kinds of mental programs can be more subtle. Whatever the case – even without fully understanding why and where we eventually gave power away, we can take all externalized power back now. Make a conscious decision to invite all your externalized aspects of your power back into your mind, body, and soul. Breathe them back into your heart, again and again, until you feel it is done. Reality is created from within, by impressing a clear mental picture, combined with an elevated emotion like gratitude, onto the quantum field of all possibilities. 


3) Giving back all aspects of power that do not belong to you

Sometimes we consciously or unconsciously expect from others to give us attention, energy, or even their power. Sometimes, other people externalize their power and project parts of their power onto us. Whatever the case – all foreign aspects of power in our systems consume space, which is not available for our own power. To free this space, we can make the conscious decision to give back all aspects of power that do not belong to us. 


If you feel like, say a prayer: “Dear God, dear Universe (or whatever you pray to), thank you for helping me now to give back all aspects of power in my systems that do not belong to me to their origin. Thank you for helping me to perfectly integrate all aspects of my power now the way it is supposed to be."


4) Free yourself from old pain related to your power

We probably had incarnations where expressing our power came along with being attacked, ridiculed, or even killed. These past life experiences can lead to mental programs like: "If I fully express my power, I become disgraced or even attacked." These karmic reverberations can still be found in our hypercausal body, the sphere of our being where all memories of all incarnations are stored. The existence of these old programs can be a significant reason not to step into our power in this life. You can dissolve them by making a conscious decision to release old pain and outdated patterns. Again, if you feel like, reinforce your decision with a prayer. As always, your consciousness (in-)forms matter and thus, your reality. 


5) Free yourself from inner compromises related to power

Another lesson to master on the way is making compromises concerning our power. It is probable that somewhere on our soul's path, we made compromises with regards to our power. It can be compromises like "If I can fully express my power now, I accept to suffer." Or: "If I can fully express my power now, I accept being separate from those I love." 


Again, these inner compromises are also most often stored in our hypercausal body. They can lead to an unconscious decision like: "Before I experience suffering or loneliness again, I do not move at all." You can dissolve these compromises by letting them flow from all aspects of your being into your heart. Absorb all these old traces in your heart. If you feel like it's enough, make a conscious decision to hand them over to a higher order of things.  Thank God, the Universe or whatever speaks to you to help you dissolve old compromises in your systems and reinstall harmonious mental programs that are in perfect alignment with your soul’s mission in this life. 


6) Free yourself from old guilt

Often, guilt is another inner program, which either has its origins in a past life or early childhood. Throughout our incarnations, we have been the victim and the villain, the good and the bad in order to experience the full range of human experiences. Each of these experiences was made based on free will. All these experiences were necessary to be able to consciously choose who we truly want to be. 


In some incarnations, though, we have misused our power which inevitably caused deep-rooted feelings of guilt. If this guilt is still perceived in this lifetime, it can be the reason to unconsciously decide not to use our power again "for it will hurt other people and cause pain and suffering." To dissolve that pattern, you can apply the same approach as described above. 


7) Free yourself from the fear of your real power

There is this famous quote of Marianne Williamson, saying in its essence: "Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." So, here is yet another possibility of making a conscious decision to allow yourself to be at ease with your innate power and let go of all fear of your inner strength. If you want to say a prayer, it may sound like this: "Infinite Spirit, thank you for helping me to be at ease with my true innate power. Thank you for helping me now to confidently express my true power in alignment with the greater good." 


8) Decide to put your power into service of others

The more conscious we become, the quicker our actions get blocked if we act out of a self-centric mindset. To make full use of your power, make a conscious decision to put all of your power into service of the greater good. Make a conscious decision to make use of your power in perfect alignment with the bigger cosmic plan. It will free you. If you want, say a prayer like: "Infinite Spirit of the universe, thank you for helping me to release all ego-driven pursuit of power. Thank you for helping me to fully put all of my power into service of the greater good in perfect alignment with the cosmic plan.” 


Et voilà – these are eight steps to free and use your inner power in a harmonious way. As the latest research in neuroplasticity indicates, each step should be repeated at least 21 days in a row to create new patterns in your brains, mind, and body. 


Enjoy your journey. The world needs you - with all your power.















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CH-8832 Wollerau/Zürich