Basic Orientation

This course is a basic orientation into the Hubbard Management System and gives important tools and tips any employee or executive can use immediately. In just 2 hours you will know more about organization and management than you thought possible.

Basic Staff Training

This course gives your employees a thorough and profound understanding of basic organizational principles such as:

  • Management By Statistics
  • Graphing Statistics
  • Developed Traffic
  • Office Cleanliness
  • What an Executive Wants
  • Promotional Actions
  • And Much Much More!

Emotions in the Workplace

Emotions in the Workplace is a practical introduction to how emotions in the workplace affect businesses and includes steps executives can take to make their office less stressful and more productive. This course can be taken by anyone who wants to improve their life and working environment and gain the ability to predict the reactions and emotions of those around them.

Professional PR & Marketing Course

The 36 videos, tons of practical assignments and a wealth of inside information contained in this course teach you the basic principles of Public Relations, Marketing and Sales, and is a MUST to attain and ensure consistent income and productivity. 

Executive Business Strategies Course

This course, consisting of 36 videos, practical assignments and valuable tips teaches executives the tools of the management game, including financial management, how to increase production, how to build a viable customer base, how to troubleshoot problem areas and get them functioning again, the secrets of hiring qualified personnel and much more. 

Sample Training Video