KE2EM-PLUS Network Router

Discover. Transport. Manage

Now you can have full control of your KE2 Therm controls.  With the ability to natively Dashboard, Log, Graph, and Alarm up to 35 Devices, you finally have a tool to easily manage your Refrigeration Network.


Features include:

Tri-Band Wireless, KE2 Modbus enabled, 8GB Storage, 2 x Ethernet Ports, Support for KE2 Bluetooth Sensors, and optional BACnet/IP.


Want to see the how easy it is to install?

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Why us?

KE2 Therm is passionate about our products and the technology we deliver.  We strive to provide the best experience for our customers.  See what some of our customers think.

Dawn Bayer

Assistant Mgr - QSR - Wisconsin

“Holy cow! It was starting to look like Antarctica in there with the ice building on the ceiling. I can’t believe the ice is gone. The boxes aren’t sticking together anymore. The product quality is also better, as we used to find that some of the chicken nuggets and also the hamburgers would stick together.”

Kamers Outdoor


"Installed my first KE2 LDA. I haven’t finalized the setup yet, but when we do, I will be adding the Smart Access for remote monitoring / email alerts. I will update with the addition of the smart access!  Very exciting stuff!"

Martha Gail Windham

Owner - Flower and Gift World Alabama

“It’s a tremendous difference, before we were spending all our weekends checking the cooler. Now, we receive e-mail alerts so our weekends are our own. The temperature is staying exactly where we want it,” “The flowers are lasting so much longer, at least 7 days, probably 7-12 days longer. The water for the flowers stays fresh in the cooler longer. Before we changed the water every Monday and Thursday, now once a week is all we need to do. It is great!”

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