VIP Rosarito Visa Package
($925 or 2 Payments of $500)
Prepare All Documentation
Everything required by the Mexican government including letters in Spanish, applications and other required forms, except the documents you will need to collect which I specify on the Checklist provided.
Schedule All Your Appointments
Research the best consulate for you to go for your initial interview based on your circumstances and needs. Provide specific instructions for you to schedule your appointment. Translate from Spanish to English and vice versa throughout the entire process until you have your Visa.
Prepare & Submit Visa Application
Prepare and submit your Visa Application Packet to the Mexican Immigration office in Rosarito, or provide specific instructions for you to submit your packet at other immigration offices throughout Mexico. Take your immigration payment to the bank as required. Eliminate the stress of waiting in lines and decreasing your trips to their office from multiple visits to only 1 visit for your fingerprints and to pick up your Visa.
Guide You Through Each Step
Coach and guide you through each step that you will need to take from start to finish. Check the status of your application on the Mexican government website and keep you informed of the status. Notify you and accompany you when immigration is ready for you to do your fingerprints.
You're 100% Safe & Protected. Your information is Encrypted and Secured using the world's best technology. The same technology you would find at your local Bank.
(619) 737-2535
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST