My vision...

✡︎  a world with feminine leaders that are fully living in their power.

✡︎  a world where women release shame, guilt, and who they think they have to be.

✡︎  a world of goddess entrepreneurs that live their life and business from their intuition and pleasure.

✡︎  a world where women are free.


hey,i'm marina!

I teach women about that sacred entrepreneurship, the value of sisterhood, and the power of their wounds, through pleasure. I teach my clients how to accept their past and to liberate themselves. My clients enjoy pleasure, joy, and bliss--and from that space they are able to build the lives and business of their dreams.


My journey teaching this work started 20 years ago at age 17 when I dove into yoga, meditation, neuroplasticity, and understanding that there's a spiritual dimension to life. And then, 4 years later, I went deeper into my personal development journey, studying with mentors like Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, and Bob Proctor. Through investing in my personal development, I learned how to work, cultivate my strong mindset, change my state, and how to tap into my future self. 

My experience and human relations have really given me the ability to understand people and how to work with different people regardless of their different personalities, different needs, and how to understand my clients and speak their language. 



I went into sermonic work with the Toltec Mystery School of the Four Agreements, and through that, I learned how to really create our dreams consciously instead of living life on autopilot. By having my daughter and navigating divorce, opening up businesses, closing businesses--I carry the experience that you can have it all by juggling it all. You don't have to wait for life to be perfect to step into your offerings. You do life as you go and everything falls into place.


I studied Tantra and I studied with Godotska, two levels, training with Ista School of Temple Arts. In my work with my clients in my business, I combine years of personal development work with sermonic training. I teach my clients to get energy, quest into the future selves, learning from their past from inner child work, all while inviting in pleasure, and, bliss and joy. 


My vision is to empower women to fully step into their power and leadership to make a difference in the world. And my vision is a world where women access their power through DEEP pleasure and sisterhood. I am so blessed and grateful that you are here and would love to invite you into our container. 

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