You may be wondering...
Why should you trust my expertise?
Because I'm not just any ordinary veterinarian.
As a dedicated holistic veterinarian with over 34 years of experience, I've seen hundreds of dogs with Valley Fever and pet lovers just like you. I've faced my own health challenges with Valley Fever and have had several of my personal pets come down with disseminated Valley Fever.
Valley Fever is a complicated, variable, and unpredictable illness that can be hard to diagnose and tricky to treat.
I have helped pet guardians, like you, make informed decisions regarding the best conventional testing, pharmaceutical treatment, and follow-up recommendations for their beloved pet with Valley Fever.
More importantly, I have experience with specialized, holistic therapies that augment conventional treatments for dogs with all the various presentations of Valley Fever. This multipronged approach guarantees the best possible outcome for your dog afflicted with Valley Fever.
Upon overcoming Valley Fever myself and caring for my own dogs, I found my true calling in helping other pet lovers give their dog the best possible chance to overcome Valley Fever and, in the process, help the whole family find joy again.
Through my personal journey and professional expertise, I've gained invaluable insights and developed effective strategies to empower other pet lovers to play an active role in helping their dog achieve vibrant health once again – and now, I'm here to support you.
--Dr. Pamela Dragos, DVM