This "Health" Food Makes You Crave

Got sugar cravings? Wonder what's going on?

This health food might be the reason.

This health food actually makes you crave sugar.


I just finished my article for on sugar cravings. Why you have them and how to stop them.  I always like to look up the latest research. Today I share some of the research with you.

A Health Food Most People Start Eating When They Go On a Diet

I'm going to share with you what this health food is, and you probably consume it in one way, shape or form.


So what is the health food? It is marketed as health food, and it's in a lot of the foods that are marketed as healthy.


It's artificial sweeteners, and there's three specifically. Research shows that when you consume them it makes you crave. And it is in a lot of packaged foods, and even  added to crackers.


Artificial Sweeteners


It's not just those diet-type foods where there is not as much sugar in the products. Artificial sweeteners are in a lot of the foods that you consume, the main one being sucralose. AKA that yellow packet brand named Splenda® .


It's on some pasta sauces, anything that's lower in calories, such as yogurts.


There are three artificial sweeteners in particular:

  • saccharin brand named Sweet N Low®
  • aspartame brand named Equal®
  • sucralose brand named Splenda®

Research shows they make you crave sugar. They cause you to eat more sugar and higher calorie type foods the next day after you have consumed them.

Pamela Pedrick, RN, CHC

Owner, Transformed Renewed You Coaching

You potentially could be sabotaging your weight loss by using these artificial sweteners.

My Personal Experience

I noticed this personally myself.  I was a huge diet soda drinker, diet Coke®, diet Pepsi® because that's the thing you do when you go on a diet; drink diet soda.


That's the first thing you think of is eating those diet-type foods and beverages that have artificial sweeteners, because you're trying to cut back on your sugar and your fat intake. And I had been consuming them for years. And then I noticed I was not as healthy. I was getting a lot of headaches and I read research that said artificial sweeteners can contribute to headaches and migraines.


So I thought, let me just get myself off of it. I stopped using artificial sweeteners and eating foods with them in it for about 18 months. I came to a time after the 18 months where I would just so busy that I was consuming a lot more caffeine. I was getting tired of drinking coffee. My belly was hurting from drinking so much of it so I  went back to drinking diet soda.


I was at work in the ER at the time when I had that first diet soda after not having artificial sweeteners for so long. AND shortly after I drank that diet soda, I started craving. I really wanted to go to the vending machine to get some chocolate or other candy. I was craving sugar, like about an hour or two hours after I consumed that diet soda. And then I remembered that the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas do cause you to crave sugar.

How to Stop Those Sugar Cravings

First off, get off the artificial sweeteners.


If you can, slowly cut back. Look at all the food in your pantry. You want to look at the ingredients. Specifically, look at the labels and look for sucralose, saccharin, and aspartame. It's normally going to be sucralose that's the added artificial sweetener, but look for all three.


I've noticed sucralose  in a lot of our products.  If they are in your packaged food, just kind of keep in mind how much you are consuming. Even keep in mind how much you're putting into your coffee and in your beverages. If you're really struggling with sugar cravings, these artificial sweeteners could be the culprit for you.


If you want to put an end to the cravings, check out the 5-Day Sweets Slasher System. You will follow my proven formula to slash your cravings for sweets in just 5 days!

I am 100% committed to helping you end the cravings, to get you results, like Nancy did.


Nancy  followed the formula taught in Sweets Slasher and she lost 15 pounds and her joints stopped aching. She can now go for extended bike rides because that's her passion and she's able to do it without the pain in her joints. I am just 100% committed to you getting results so that you're no longer yo-yo dieting.

Need help cutting back on the amount of sugar you’re eating?

Cravings out of control? 

Can’t stay away from the sweets? 

Want a faster time-saving system to end your cravings?

I’ve got you covered. The 5-Day Sweets Slasher System. Learn how to slash your cravings for sweets and eat less sugar in five days or less. 


With the 5-Day Sweets Slasher System there’s no need to white knuckle or willpower your way from the sweets. It’s a quick workshop and coaching bundle to help you stop just simply staying away from the sugar (because that’s not a permanent solution) and  quickly stop the cravings when you need it most – right now.


You’ll learn how to more easily cut those sugar cravings and eat less sugar in 5 days!

Tired of the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting? Struggle with emotional eating? Are you a woman who works in healthcare and you want to get to your optimal weight AND keep it off? 


Join my email list and get strategies to break the chains of dieting and emotional eating.





Tired of the endless cycle of yo-yo dieting?

Struggle with emotional eating?

Are you a woman who works in healthcare and you want to get to your optimal weight AND keep it off? 


Join my email list and get strategies to break the chains of dieting and emotional eating.



© 2021 by Pamela Pedrick, RN, CHC. All Rights Reserved.