Your Muscles Don’t get Tight for Fun ...
 They get Tight To Save Your Life

Now I realise that sounds weird because tight muscles are often the cause for pain, discomfort and even injuries...


So how can this save your life?

And how can you use this knowledge to finally get release of tension in your joints and muscles ...

... and experience a sensation of freedom in your body that you probably haven't felt for a long time? 

Let's get to it.

You see,

The Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Body, Is that Your Spine Completely Disclocates

Because if that were to happen, the bone shifting out would

Damage the Nerves in Your Spinal Cord, Leaving You Paralysed, Unable to Use Your Legs

Now you may be thinking, 

​Isn’t that a bit too dramatic?


I'd be in a wheelchair, but I wouldn't die from this, would I?”

And you are right ...

In today's world, you would not die from this.


Let's Travel 10,000 Years Back In Time and it Will Make Sense ...

We're going to visit your great, great, great (etc), grandfather.

Let’s call him Ben.

Ben was 19 years old at the time, living his life in the forest with a small tribe of 47 other people ...

​He had a nice little hut, a garden and he was just about to get start a family with his cave school sweetheart but then 

a Sabre-Tooth Tiger Jumped into the camp

All of the other 47 people of his tribe ran away, as fast as they could.

But poor Ben had dislocated his spine working in the garden the other day so he couldn't even move his legs!

This made Ben an easy meal for the tiger and ...

That was the end of Ben and his DNA didn't passed on to future generations.

Now, we know this is a false story.

At least, we know that Ben was not your forefather ...

Or you would not be sitting here to read this right now.

You see, 


Your Forefather had a Built-in Mechanism to Protect his Spine and other Joints from Dislocating that Easily ...

So he could run away or fight in case of danger, and survive.

That's why you're here, and Ben's offspring is not (natural selection).

And, just like your forefather, you have this exact same mechanism in your nervous system.

It makes your muscles tight whenever it senses even the slightest instability in a joint, and threat of dislocation.

Sounds great, right?

Well ...

It is and it 
isn't, because

What was Once a Great Survival Mechanism, is now Causing You to Suffer from Chronic Muscle Tension

You see, in the old days our mobility switch would be set on "get tight" only every once in a while.

However, in our modern lives of sitting at a desk, on the couch or in the car ...

... Bending over our phones and laptops a lot ...

Your Bulletproof Muscles that

Protect Your Spine and Other Joints get Inhibited and Weak

This weakness makes your joints vulnerable to dislocation and other painful injuries ...

So to make up for this inhibition of your Bulletproof Muscles, your brain goes to the last resort ...

And creates chronic tightness in the other muscles like your hamstrings, hips, neck and shoulders.

You Now Know The Real Reason
Why Your Joints and Muscles Get Tight:

Your Muscles Don’t get Tight for Fun ...
 They get Tight To Save Your Life

Now I realise that sounds weird because tight muscles are often the cause for pain, discomfort and even injuries...


So how can this save your life?

And how can you use this knowledge to finally get release of tension in your joints and muscles ...

... and experience a sensation of freedom in your body that you probably haven't felt for a long time? 

Let's get to it.

You see,

The Worst Thing That Could Happen to Your Body, Is that Your Spine Completely Disclocates

Because if that were to happen, the bone shifting out would

Damage the Nerves in Your Spinal Cord, Leaving You Paralysed, Unable to Use Your Legs

Now you may be thinking, 


“​Isn’t that a bit too dramatic?


I'd be in a wheelchair, but I wouldn't die from this, would I?”

And you are right ...

In today's world, you would not die from this.

 let's travel back in time 10,000 years and visit your great, great, great (etc), grandfather.

Let’s call him Ben.

Ben was living his life in the forest with a small tribe of 47 other people, and life was good ...

​He did the things that people did back in the day and lived a happy life.

Then one Day, a Sabre-Tooth Tiger Jumped into the camp

All of the other 47 people of his tribe ran away, as fast as they could.

But poor Ben had dislocated his spine working in the garden the other day so he couldn't even move his legs!

This made Ben an easy meal for the tiger and ...

That was the end of Ben and his DNA didn't passed on to future generations.

Now, we know this is a false story.

At least, we know that Ben was not your forefather ...

Or you would not be sitting here to read this right now.

You see, 


Your Forefather had a Built-in Mechanism to Protect his Spine and other Joints from Dislocating that Easily ...

So he could run away or fight in case of danger, and survive.

That's why you're here, and Ben's offspring is not (natural selection).

And, just like your forefather, you have this exact same mechanism in your nervous system.

It makes your muscles tight whenever it senses even the slightest instability in a joint, and threat of dislocation.

Sounds great, right?

Well ...

It is and it 
isn't, because

What was Once a Great Survival Mechanism, is now Causing You to Suffer from Chronic Muscle Tension

You see, in the old days our mobility switch would be set on "get tight" only every once in a while.

However, in our modern lives of sitting at a desk, on the couch or in the car ...

... Bending over our phones and laptops a lot ...

Your Bulletproof Muscles that

Protect Your Spine and Other Joints get Inhibited and Weak

This weakness makes your joints vulnerable to dislocation and other painful injuries ...

So to make up for this inhibition of your Bulletproof Muscles, your brain goes to the last resort ...

And creates chronic tightness in the other muscles like your hamstrings, hips, neck and shoulders.

You Now Know The Real Reason
Why Your Joints and Muscles Get Tight:

  • Your hips, hamstrings and lower back muscles get tight

    To make up for a lack of Bulletproof Muscle Activation in your spine

  • Your neck and trapezius muscles tense up

    To make up for a lack of Bulletproof Muscle Activation around your shoulder blades

  • Your shoulders get stiff

    To make up for a lack Bulletproof Muscle Activation around your shoulders

It may now also make sense to you that

  • Just stretching isn’t the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

  • Massage isn’t the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

  • Putting on tiger balm isn’t the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

  • Going to the chiropractor isn’t the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

  • Using ultrasound or electrostim devices isn’t the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

  • And taking muscle relaxers or anti-inflammatory muscles is definitely not the answer to loosening your joints and muscles and feeling more athletic

    Now don't get me wrong, some of these methods can definitely give you some relief in the short term but ...

    If You Don't Learn How to Activate Your Bulletproof Muscles,
    Your Mobility Switch will stay on "Tight" Forever 

    ... and your joints and muscles will tighten up again and again for as long as you live.

    Not only that, but your posture will gradually get worse and worse and you'll be

    More Prone to Serious Injuries Like Herniated Discs and Dislocated Shoulders

    Now relax, because help is on the way.

    You see, it's not that hard to activate your Bulletproof Muscles, create stability in your joints and flip your mobility switch.

    All you need is the knowledge how to do it.

    Now most doctors, fitness trainers and even physical therapists don't quite grasp this concept but you can

    Quickly & Easily Activate Your

    Bulletproof Muscles and

    Flip Your Mobility Switch with ...