I see you ... it's the end of the day, you're tired, you're busy, you're a woman who just wants to use a natural option for yourself/your family... but it feels too complicated to know where to start.

This was definitely me 18 months ago. In the depths of dealing with my own health issues, my families wellbeing, juggling a job that was consuming my life. A natural option was what I was crying out for. Essential Oils answered my call.

So, drumroll please... I’ve got three new besties to introduce you to, who will *seriously* change your life

Lavender + Lemon + Peppermint

These three babes will low-tox your home cleaning process, revamp your first aid tools and seriously UPLEVEL your self care regime.

Even better news, all three of these beautiful oils are available in 5ml sizes in doTERRA’s “INTRO KIT”. (Interested to know why I choose doTERRA Essential Oils? … I have three words: PURITY + POTENCY + SOURCING. Still sitting on the fence? Don’t just take my word for it - pop over where you can learn more about their stringent testing methods and sustainable sourcing)





When you think of this oil... think skin + sleep + emotions.

Lavender is really the Swiss Army of essential oils thanks to its beautiful versatility – This is my go-to for all the things *calming* and *soothing*

Here are some of my favourite uses for this wunder-oil:
+ 1-2 drops of lavender on your pillow or in your diffuser before bed for a more restful sleep
+ 1 drop in a tsp of carrier oil & aid relaxation with massage into your little ones feet before bed
+ Add 1-2 drops mixed with a tsp of carrier oil to your bath for a perfect wind down after a stressful day
+ Soothe your skin after too much sun by adding a few drops in a spray bottle of water & apply liberally
+ Ease the itch of insect bites & stings with a drop on the skin
+ Turn your homemade playdough into an aromatherapy experience for the kids by adding a drop of lavender
+ Apply a drop to your wrists & neck to help with anxious feelings
+ Low-tox your nappy bag with DIY baby wipes using Lavender + Tea Tree




This is honestly the closest thing to a sunny day inside a bottle!

This oil has got to be my first choice for all things *cleansing* + *holistic health* + *uplifting*

+ Add 1-2 drops to your diffuser first thing in the morning to help promote increased focus & lift your mood
+ Add 1 drop to a glass of warm water to drink first thing in the morning to promote gut health
+ Sticky labels are no match for lemon oil! Perfect for removing from glass jars so you can re-purpose, or any misplaced artistic sticker displays from the little ones!
+ And also budding artists who may choose to create misplaced masterpieces all over the walls. 1-2 drops of lemon oil with a little bit of elbow grease and VOILA!
+ A powerful deodoriser. Create a low-tox carpet shake & vac with 3-4 drops in a cup of baking soda. Sprinkle over carpet and then vacuum
+ With amazing cleansing & disinfectant properties. DIY all-purpose surface spray with 3-4 drops in a spray bottle with water. Simply shake, spray, and wipe. Smells great and super effective too!
+ Wonderful for anxious feelings, simply diffuse a few drops with peppermint to promote a more stable & uplifting mood.
+ Add 1-2 drops to a sink of water to give your fruit a soak to help remove some of the surface sprays & pesticides used




Your new favourite pick-me-up!

Slumps and low energy be-gone! Peppermint oil is a powerful mood lifter, holistic health tool and soother.

+ Need an energy boost before the gym? A drop in your palms, rub together and cup over your nose (NOT eyes! Peppermint will sting!) A natural pre-workout boost.
+ For head and neck tension, 5 drops in a 10ml roller topped up with carrier oil. Apply to your temples & back of neck
+ Add 5-10 drops to a spray bottle with water & spritz yourself during the warm summer days. Keep in the fridge for an extra cooling hit!
+ Pair with any citrus oil and add to the diffuser to help you focus
+ Food additive with a punch! Add amazing minty flavour to bliss balls, brownies, hot chocolate… the list goes on
Tummy discomfort: try rubbing 1 drop peppermint + 1 drop lavender oil with a carrier oil onto the tummy area to help ease the discomfort. Great when travelling, on roller-coasters, or when you’ve eaten just a bit too much!
+ Ants HATE peppermint! Apply drops of peppermint to a cloth and wipe down any areas affected by ants and watch them flee




Finally - good things come in threes! Combine equal drops of each of these essential oils and add to a carrier oil for your best helper for stuffy noses, itchiness and sneeziness. Add the three oils in equal measure to a carrier oil and rub on the soles of feet, temples and back of neck.

***Using oils with little ones… this is a fabulous graphic indicating safe dilution for using essential oils on precious little people***



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