What is covert narcissism?
17 August 2022
Covert narcissism is a type of narcissism that is not as easily recognizable as the more overt forms of narcissism. Unlike the stereotypical narcissist who is loud, boastful, and attention-seeking, a covert narcissist may appear humble, kind, and self-sacrificing on the surface. However, beneath this facade lies a deep-seated need for admiration and validation, just like any other narcissist.
While they may promise to change or seek therapy, they may not follow through or may use the therapy as a tool to manipulate you further.
One of the key characteristics of covert narcissism is a strong sense of entitlement. The covert narcissist may believe that they are entitled to special treatment, and may feel resentful or angry when they don't receive it. They may also have an inflated sense of their own intelligence or abilities, and may believe that they are better than others without necessarily saying so outright.
Another characteristic of covert narcissism is a lack of empathy. While the covert narcissist may appear kind and compassionate on the surface, they may lack the ability to truly understand or relate to the feelings of others. They may also be highly sensitive to criticism or rejection, and may react with anger or defensiveness when their self-image is challenged.
Covert narcissists may also engage in manipulative or controlling behavior, such as gaslighting, where they try to convince others that their perceptions are wrong or invalid. They may also try to control situations or people to get their own way, and may become aggressive or hostile when things don't go according to plan.
While covert narcissism can be difficult to recognize, it can still have a significant impact on those closest to them. Those who are in a relationship with a covert narcissist may feel confused, invalidated, and emotionally drained as they try to navigate the narcissist's choppy behavior.
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Amber Newman
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