Avoid weight gain over the holiday season

Holiday Tips and Tricks

The average American gains 7 lbs over the holiday season! Below are tips and tricks to help you maintain your weight through the holidays.


1. Focus on the protein when making your plate. Carbohydrates can be calorie dense and can make you feel sluggish later in the day. Protein is the perfect fuel to watch those calories and to fuel your body for enjoying the holiday.

2. When loading your plate choose a salad plate instead of a full sized plate and use your spoon instead of the serving utensil to limit your portion size.

3. Pick your "treat". What is it during the holidays that you look forward to the most? Is it the dressing? Sides? Desserts? Wine? Pick 1 treat to indulge in. Party goers get into trouble when they start indulging in everything.

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