SA Weightloss Hypnosis

Shifting Old Emotions with Time Line Therapy

JULY 9 / by Suzanne Ingleton/ Weightloss

 How to Boost your Immunity and stay Healthy over Winter

When I am working with clients who have eating and body challenges I find that their emotional eating and the beliefs that they have around their body are all based on old negative and limiting emotions and beliefs which have been literally weighing them down.


Stress is the biggest blocker to weight loss and it is made up in various degrees by the stronger and bigger emotions of Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt, Guilt and for some Shame.  When these emotions are left to fester in the body, the result can lead to depression, heart disease, weakened immune system, phobias, and other stress related illness.


Time Line Therapy® (TLT) was developed by Tad James PhD in the 1980’s and is a powerful therapeutic process that emerged from Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)


The process is based on the concept that we store our memories in a linear way in our internal memory storage system.


During TLT the client is able to dissolve painful emotions relating to memories, and learn positive new ways to move forward without the old debilitating emotion that has unconsciously been holding them back from positive and powerful personal change.  This is all done with minimum emotional discomfort to the client, and there is no need to go back in the “story” of what occurred – only to release and let go an “old” emotion that is no longer needed and that was keeping them stuck in the past.


I guide the client back to the root cause of the emotion – lets say Anger – the very first time they experienced it, and then when they have positive learnings that will allow them to let go of it, the client can then release it from all of the other painful events in their life so that the memory remains, but the old emotion of anger is dissolved and cleared.


My clients describe this as a feeling of physical release in their body…. Feeling lighter, like something has shifted, and when they go back and think about the event that used to have the old emotion attached, they find there is nothing – just a memory with no emotion attached to it.


This is one of the most powerful effective  ways to create long lasting positive transformation and can be done relatively quickly over a few sessions – unlike some talk therapies that can go on for years going over the same old scenario without any resolution or acceptance.


I use TLT primarily for Weight Loss, Body Image & to release old Grief, and it can also be used very effectively to assist with Depression and Anxiety, Phobias, Anger Management and Stress.


Listen to Raechelle as she explains how it helped her to begin to move forward after the passing of her husband as well as being able to lose weight and find joy and happiness in life again.