Excellence in mastitis management

Driven by passion, inspired by science, and strengthened by experience, we work to create holistic, integrated solutions for an easy and successful mastitis management on every dairy farm

1. General

Some answers to frequently asked questions about mastitis in general

How does an intramammary infection occur?

How does mastitis develop?

How can cows with mastitis best be recognised?

Do all cows with clinical mastitis have fever?

Why does one cow with an intramammary infection develop symptoms and another does not?

What is the definition of a good udder health?

Can the bulk milk somatic cell count be too low?

2. Causes of mastitis 

Some answers to frequently asked questions about the causes of mastitis.

What are the causes of an intramammary infection?

Can an outbreak of clinical mastitis be due to reduced immunity in cows?

Some answers to frequently asked questions about the prevention of mastitis.

How can mastitis best be prevented?

Can freshly calved heifers already have mastitis?

4. Treatment of mastitis

Some answers to frequently asked questions about the treatment of mastitis.

What is the best recommendation for cows with a high somatic cell count?

5. Dealing with mastitis problems

How can an outbreak of clinical mastitis best be approached?

What is the best way to approach a dairy herd with a high bulk milk somatic cell count?

Our solutions for easy and successful mastitis management on every dairy herd:

Virtual assistants:

The MEX™ Team

Managing Director

Sofie Piepers

“Energy and persistence conquer all things”

“Slow and steady wins the race"



Sarne De Vliegher

“But do not doubt it, the way to succeed is to keep courage and patience, and to work on energetically.”

  • Maaltecenter Blok G

    Derbystraat 297

    9051 Gent - België

  • support@mexcellence.eu

  • +32 (0) 477 51 27 71

Driven by passion, inspired by science, and strengthened by experience, we make mastitis management easy