
Transform your Body


Transform your mindset



Transform your life

Frequently asked question

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

  • Is this another low carb diet?​

    Definatley not! This is not a fad diet or detox. I will educate you on food choices, replacing some foods that make you feel lethargic and tired with foods that provide energy and make you feel great. These are normal foods that you can eat with the family - things like healthy fats including cheese, the odd steak and fiber rich carbs such as sweet potato and other vegetables. You won't go hungry and we will provide guidance on portion sizes and timings of meals depending on your lifestyle. You cannot fail with this program. If you go off plan we are here to support you get straight back on track

  • What if I don't like the recipes?

    The meal plans and recipes are very flexible so that you can make it work for you. The recipes are simple and really versatile so you can make changes to suit your tastes. We provide notes for each recipe giving suggestions of alternative ingredients if you don’t have things to hand or don’t like certain things. You are more than welcome to mix and match dishes from the meat and vegetarian/vegan plan but you do not have to follow the entire meal plan if you don't want - you can just pick and choose recipes you fancy. This is not a strict plan you have to follow to the letter. If there is something you know you won't like, don't force yourself to eat it.

  • Will I need to buy expensive ingredients and supplements?​

    No. Supplements are not required and there are no exotic ingredients. If there is something you don't like, you can swap any ingredient for something you prefer.

  • I don't have Facebook, can I still join? Am I missing out on a big part of the program?

    Of course, you can still join. All of the trainings are in the online membership portal. The Facebook group is a great place to ask questions, because not only will you get my feedback and advice, but from those in the group. I will do live training and Q and A via Zoom, so Facebook is not required. You can also create a temporary Facebook account just for the 6 weeks and delete afterwards.

  • How is this different from other diets out there?​

    My approach is unique as I have a wide spectrum of knowledge as a qualified nutritionist, personal trainer, sports massage therapist, Pilates Instructor, NLP practitioner and a qualified teacher. 

  • Can I still drink alcohol?​

    I would never take away your favorite tipple, there is a section in the programme where we discuss alcohol and how to still be successful and reach your goals. 

  • I am dairy/gluten free. Can I still follow the programme?​

    Of course! We’ve had lots of Dairy Free/Gluten Free and vegetarians go through this programme. The swap list will be your best friend! We also have a pescatarian meal plan that has lots of veg-friendly meal ideas.




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