Frustrated With Your Lack Of Muscle Despite Your Hard Work In The Gym?


Thomas Engberts Reveals:
How To Build More Muscle & Strength By Combining The 2 Most Effective Training Methods In One Program 


Discover The Muscle Building Secrets That Transformed Weak & Skinny Men Into Strong, Powerful and Muscular Athletes


Let me ask you some questions:

Are you ever frustrated with the lack of results you get from your hard work in the gym?

Have you ever started a training program full of motivation to hit the
gym, only to find your motivation slowly ebbing away after a few

Did you ever experience nice gains at the beginning of a program, only to get burned out later on, stalling or even reversing your progress?

If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions, read this entire letter because I know exactly how you feel… and I’ll show you how to end this cycle of frustration forever.

Now, you’ve probably heard a million different opinions and gotten some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it), and you’re more confused than ever when it comes to building muscle and strength…


I appreciate your frustration about building muscle


Just like you, I’ve tried a ton of different programs and listened to countless magazines, ‘guru’s’, trainers, ‘youtube experts’… and they all give different advice.

I’ve done High Intensity Training, Conjugate training, High Frequency Training, Dogg Crap, High Volume Splits, old school full body workouts… I’ve done 3 sets of 12-15, 10 sets of 3, 5 sets of 5, 5 sets of 10, drop sets, forced reps, rest-pause sets and much more…

And you know what?

Some didn’t work at all, some worked a little, and some worked great… for a short time.

The problem is, that after the initial ‘high’ of starting a new program and getting great results, you eventually stall out and stop making progress…

With some programs you get overly exhausted and ‘over trained’, while with others you’ll actually under train and therefore not stimulate enough muscle growth and strength.

This always lead to a cycle of frustration:

Good results and motivation to go to the gym at first… followed by declining results, frustration and wondering what you’re doing wrong…

If that sounds familiar, keep reading, because…

I’ve Discovered a Way To Overcome This Cycle Of
Muscle Building Frustration


You see, when it comes down to it, there are 2 ways to build muscle:

1) With a lot of volume (sets x reps) and/or frequency (training each muscle often)

2) With a lot of intensity (Pushing yourself beyond your limits during a set and/or workout)

Every sensible muscle building program is based on one of these 2 methods.

Here’s how they work, and why they stop working:

The volume and frequency methods create a lot of accumulated fatigue, which triggers the muscle building processes in your body.


The downside is that after following this type of training for a while, you’ll get in an over-trained state, where the built-up fatigue is too much for you to be able to recover from and grow muscle.

Only a few genetic freaks and/or steroid users are able to make continuous progress with this type of training.

Regular guys like you and me will eventually get burned out, mentally and physically.

Another downside is that because of the high amount of sets you do, you’re forced to use lighter weights, which prevents you from becoming as strong as you can (which is necessary for maximal muscle growth, unless you’re already super strong).

The Volume Method summed up:

  • Muscle growth by volume

  • Overtraining after a while

  • Too much fatigue built up in the long term

  • Lack of strength gain

The intensity method builds muscle by pushing your  muscles beyond their limits in one single set. By doing less volume, you have a lot more room for recovery.


This also triggers the growth mechanisms of your muscles, and it’s GREAT for getting stronger.


The downside here, is that after doing this type of training for a while, you can get mentally burned out (from having to push every set to the max every time), your joints and tendons will get a beating from the heavy weights, and your muscles don’t get enough volume (sets x reps) to keep growing, so you end up under training and losing muscle…


Again, a few lucky people are able to train like this for a long time and continue getting bigger and stronger, but for most of us it doesn’t work in the long term.

The intensity method summed up:

  • Muscle growth due to high intensity

  • Good strength gains due to heavier weights

  • Not enough volume for long term, continued muscle growth and strength improvements

  • Mentally draining to always push every set to the max

As you can see, both of these methods have their benefits…

But these muscle building methods will both STOP working if you keep using them for longer periods of time.

You probably have experienced that yourself, or you wouldn’t be reading this page right now…

But there’s good news.

Fortunately for you, I’ve found a way that uses both methods with GREAT results.


By Combining High Volume and High Intensity In One Smart Muscle Building Program

NOT by doing both at the same time…

because that would burn you out super quick unless you’re a genetic freak and/or steroid user.

….but by alternating them in a well thought out way.

I call it ‘sow and reap’ training.

Here’s how it works:

During the ‘SOWING’ phase, you do a lot of volume, and you train each muscle multiple
times a week.

This causes a growth stimulus, but it also builds up a lot of fatigue in your muscles and it’s hard to completely recover…


We’re sowing the seeds for future strength and muscle gains.

Because after this high volume, high frequency ‘over training’ phase, we go to a “Reap

In this phase, we go from high volume, high frequency and relatively low intensity, to a low volume, low frequency, high intensity phase.

By all of a sudden doing fewer sets AND training each muscle less often, you can really
push the weights and reps, breaking records every time you go to the gym.
Basically, you’re ‘reaping’ the rewards from the work you did during the sowing phase.

Because you’re doing a lot less volume and you’re taking more time in between sessions, your body can all of a sudden recover completely and build lots of muscle!

If you eat the right way, expect to ‘blow up’ during this phase.

It’s truly amazing how quickly you can get bigger and stronger in a short period of time.

For example, all of my best ‘after’ pictures have been taken during a ‘reap’ phase. All of my personal strength records have been broken during reap phases, and the same thing has happened for my clients.

Unfortunately, the fun doesn’t last forever, and if you stay in this phase for too long the results will stop coming…

And if you do a ‘reaping’ phase without first doing a sowing phase…

Then don’t expect any results at all.

Just like on the farm and any other area in life:

You reap what you sow, and if you don’t sow any seeds, there won’t be much to harvest later on.

But don’t believe me on my word, see the muscle building results my clients have gotten:

"I did the 12 week Sow & Reap challenge and got massive results, that I never thought possible.

The best results I got with my deadlift, which went from 140kg to 200kg with straps and 190kg without straps. My bench press improved by 7.5kg, military press went from 65kg to 80kg, so 15kg increase there.
My squat went from 130kg to 155kg 

Adrian Allen, Head Coach @ Unit-27 Strength & Conditioning specialists

"I have followed Thomas's Sow & Reap Muscle Building Program for 6 weeks now and have seen massive results.


My squat, press & deadlift all went up by 20-25%


I have seen great changes in my physique, and others have told me they've seen changes in my body as well"

Rory Gallagher, Rory Gallagher Fitness

"I’ve been training with Thomas for about 4 years.


At first I was very weak and I was very small. I could barely lift the bar...


Now I’ve squatted 180 kg, deadlifted 210 kg and benchpressed 130 kg... Despite  having to have a shoulder surgery last year because of rugby!"

Max Davis, USA

"Maxfit Power training has made me stronger, bigger and faster...


The training varies from explosive movements to resistance to slow pauses.  This will all give you volume, it will make you stronger and faster.

With these methods, my benchpress is at 145 kg right now. My squats are at 210 kg. And my deadlifts are at 220 kg. I really see results with these methods.


Thomas and his colleagues are really good at what they do. I've seen results myself and everybody around me has seen results!"

Bautista Vela, Bangkok

"After a year training with Thomas I was able to increase my javelin throw with 15 meters and I can now throw 55 meters.


I also feel more strong and powerful during rugby.

Mitchell, Bangkok

"The reason I came here first was, I saw my friends like Max and they were big naturally. 


I really wanted to be like them too but I realized it would be a lot harder for me to put on muscles because I'm a small guy.

When I first came here I weight about 48 kg and now Im 60kg exactly. 


That is 12 kg muscle in a year which is a massive improvement for me!"

Jon Bradley, Bangkok

"I was always that boy who exercise a lot but didn’t know exactly what I was doing...

When I saw all these great guys working out with Thomas and how much result they were getting, I knew that he was the one to go to.

So I called him up and that’s the day when my life changed forever.

I used to be 110 kg and now I am in the best shape of my life, as you can see. Anything is possible!"

Ali Al Mawash, Bangkok

As you can see, these methods work.

They’ve worked for me and they worked for my clients.

Now, until recently, the only people I shared this with were the athletes that came to train in my private gym.

However, my rates are quite high ($160 per 1hr session), and chances are you don’t even live anywhere close to where I am right now, which is Phuket, Thailand).

But in order to still help you gain muscle and strength, I’ve designed a 12 week program that I’ve tested on myself and my clients, that you can do in any gym or home gym setup.

As long as you have a squat rack, a barbell and an adjustable bench, you’re good to go.

So I hereby introduce to you:

The Maxfit Power Training
Sow & Reap Muscle Building System


It will be just like personally getting coached by me in my gym, except you don’t have to come all the way to Thailand or pay the heavy price tag.


Instead, you follow my most successful program online, implementing it at your own gym.

You can start as soon as today, and a few weeks from now you’ll be noticeably stronger and more muscular than you are right now.

It’s not complicated, you just have to follow the instructions.

You’ll be going to the gym 3-4 days a week, from 45 to 90 minutes at a time (depending on which phase you’re in).

If you can just show up in the gym, and put in the work (yes, building muscle DOES require WORK), you will get results.


Here’s What You Can Expect If You Get The Sow and Reap Muscle Building System:

  • A complete 12 week program with alternating sow and reap phases (every week I will send you the workouts for that week)

  • Discover the best exercises to do for maximal muscle growth (you’ll know some, but be surprised at others)

  • You’ll know exactly how many sets and reps to do for maximal muscle, and when to switch it up

  • Detailed technique video’s of all exercises in the program, so you know how to do them correctly

  • You’ll know exactly when to change from a volume phase to an intensity phase

  • The cheap supplement you should take around your workouts for maximum muscle growth (hint: it’s NOT a pre-workout pump you up thing)

  • Know exactly when you should use explosive reps, and when you should use a slower tempo (mess this up and say goodbye to your gains)

  • How many reps you should do for different muscle groups (train your chest and back the same way, and you’ll be disappointed with the results)

  • The best way to train your abs for solid strength and ‘popping’ six pack muscles

You’ll get all that and more if you order the sow and reap system today.


Imagine… Finally having the muscle that commands the attention and respect you deserve

Imagine not having to fool around in the gym anymore, uncertain of what to do

Imagine ‘Blowing up’ during a reaping phase… and having your friends ask what you've been doing to gain muscle so quickly (they might even accuse you of using steroids)

Imagine having cute girls squeeze your muscular arm when you’re in a bar or club

Imagine being able to bench 5, 10 or even 20kg more than you currently can, finally catching up to or even surpassing the other guys in the gym

Imagine not being afraid to take of your shirt at the beach or pool, but proud of your body and looking forward to every opportunity to show it off.

Imagine finally looking better than those ‘gifted’ guys who naturally have a lot of muscle

It doesn’t have to be a fantasy if you follow this program…


When you become a member, you put in the work and do what I tell you, you will get results…


Here are the components of the sow and reap muscle building program:

  • The main training manual: 12 weeks of done-for-you workouts, with the exact exercises, sets and reps you should use

  • The Video Library: Video’s where I coach you through every exercise in the program, so you know exactly how to get the most out of them

  • The nutrition manual: how to eat during each phase, so you get the most out of your training (and gain muscle without getting fat)

  • The Maxfit Power Training Warm-up Manual with quick and easy mobility drills to get you ready for great training sessions, and prevent you from getting hurt.

  • Access To The Maxfit Power Training Private Facebook Group: A closed, members-only group where you can ask all your questions, post your results and let us know about your progress!


Great, So How Much Do I Need To Invest To Get The Sow and Reap Muscle Building Program?

Normally, I charge $160 for an hour of my time. That would be just one workout, and you wouldn’t even get the complete program.

I also have small group sessions at my gym, for which people happily pay $370 a month so they can train with me and my team 3 days a week…

But since you’re not coming to my gym, I don’t expect you to pay that.

I’m planning to sell this baby for around $147 or so in the near future…

However, I’m looking for a little more customer feedback before I release it to the big public.

Don’t get me wrong, the program works (I’ve tested it on myself and my clients), I just want to make sure I deliver the same value and results when teaching the program online, on a distance.

Therefore, if you promise to make before/after pictures, test your strength on the basic lifts before and after the program and give me feedback on the program itself, I’m gonna let you in the coaching program for $97.

That includes a new workout plan for each phase, video coaching lessons of the exercises you’re gonna do, and personal access to the private facebook group where you can ask me all your questions about the program.

Now, I’m only gonna let fifty people in this beta-testing group, so if you want in, you better hurry and sign up by clicking the button below:


$97 one time payment


Oh By The Way, The Sow and Reap Muscle Building Course is Covered by my “Gain Muscle Or It’s Free” Guarantee!

That’s right, if you do the program and don’t get any results, just let me know and I’ll refund you every single penny.

How is that for fair?

As you can see, there is no way you can lose, and you have a whole lot of muscle to gain. So go ahead and click the add to cart button below, and get started

$97 one time payment



Now of course, you could try to figure it all on your own.

But isn’t that what you’ve been doing all this time before? And where did that get you?

Listen, every professional athlete has a coach. Even NFL football quarterbacks have special coaches to help them throw better.

Superstar MMA fighters and world champion boxers have coaches… even top bodybuilders have a coach.

So if these super professionals are humble enough to ask for help, and realise they NEED a coach in order to become even better… Shouldn’t you get some help as well?

Every day you wait, is a day with wasted muscle building potential.

If you’re serious about changing your body by gaining slabs of muscle and getting strong, you better get in now.

So get your credit card ready, and click the yellow Buy Now button below:

$97 one time payment


Once you've made your purchase you will be taken to the members area where you’ll see the quick start video.

In that video I’ll give you all the details of the program, so you know exactly what to expect.

Then you go to ‘week 1’, where you’ll find your first week’s workouts. So if you’re ready, you can get to the gym tonight and get started!

Don’t wait, and get in now while you still can at this low price:

$97 one time payment



See you on the inside,

Thomas Engberts
15/40 Moo 2 Vised Road
Rawai, Phuket
maxfitpower (at)

P.S. You could keep training like you always have… but remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result.

So if you haven’t gained as much muscle as you want yet, continuing with the same methods will get you just the same results… or probably worse, since your body has already adapted to your old style of training, and sees no need to add any more muscle.

It’s fine with me, it’s not my body… It’s probably also fine with the other people in your gym and your friends, because they’d hate for you to all of a sudden be the most muscular guy around.

But I believe you deserve better than that.

You deserve to be more muscular and stronger, and get the rewards from your efforts in the gym.

So get the Sow and Reap program today, don’t hesitate. I promise you’ll love the results you’ll get.

$97 one time payment



P.P.S. Remember this is the only way you can expect on-going muscle building results as a natural body builder.


You know it works because you’ve seen the stories of Max, Bautista and Mitchell.


You know the price is fair and there is no risk because if you don’t like the program for any reason I’ll give you your money back.

You also know the price is going to go up soon. So either you get in now or you lose. I don’t care.


If you look in the mirror 12 weeks from now and find yourself still skinny and weak because you didn’t take action, don’t call me crying, I won’t want to hear about it.

$97 one time payment



Frequently Asked Questions:

Is this program good for beginners?

No. If you’ve never lifted weights before, you don’t need a program like this. In your first year of training, you’ll get much more out of a basic program. This is for those people who have been lifting weights for a while, and have a base of strength built up and need to get to the next level.

Will this program make me stronger?

HELL YEAH! The whole purpose of the program to get bigger by getting stronger.
If all you’re interested in is being ‘pretty’ but afraid of heavy weights then this is probably not the program you want to follow.

Why? Because you’re gonna be lifting heavy weights, and do big basic lifts that build up your traps, shoulders, arms, back and legs and boost your strength at the same time. Pretty boys don’t want that, this is for serious guys only.

Can I do this program if I’m injured?
That depends. As a physical therapist I always make sure that every program I write is safe and provides structural balance between the different muscle groups. However, we’re gonna lift heavy weights in this program, so if you have a real injury you’ll want that taken care of before you start.


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Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of "Sow and Reap" products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.