Mastery Program


Course Outline



Founder MAP4LIFE Institute

    MAP4LIFE™ is an effective one-of-a-kind success tool developed to equip people to design their very own Master Action Plan (MAP) for life. Never before have so many people been so busy accomplishing so little. As Dr Myles Munroe so aptly puts it in the forward of MAP4LIFE™


    “…if you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there. Life without a purpose, passion and a plan, is like a ship without a sail or destination.”


    Today people are desperately seeking tools to equip themselves to discover and pursue their purpose with passion, whether that purpose is within their work or family life. They are also in search of a method to bring about balance in their lives.


    The MAP4LIFE™ Methodology is their answer. It has assembled all the age old, tested and proven principles to help people achieve personal success in life irrespective of what their desire or goal may be.


    The MAP4LIFE™ Mastery Program will enable you to design your personal Master Action Plan for Life and teach or coach others to develop and implement theirs.

    Your Presenter

    Glen McQuirk is the Author of MAP4LIFE™ and the Founder of the MAP4LIFE™ Institute.


    His delivery is highly inspirational and will leave you empowered to Touch Lives and Transform People. You will have a sort after skill that you can take anywhere in the world.


    Glen also has a B.Sc. Degree (Civil Engineering), is the steward of an expanding global business, has authored over 30 books and tools, is married to Ann since 1989 with three purposeful children, and has a goal to be established in 200 countries by 2020.

    Program Outline

    • Module 1: Establish your Position
      Learn how to assess and improve your BALANCE in Life, Work and Play using three tools, Wheel of Life, Quick Assessment and Habit Finder.

    • Module 2: Determine your Destination
      Discover how to select your TOP 10 dreams and use this information to discover your purpose, define your vision and choose your mission.

    • Module 3: Prepare your Plan
      Master the Secret Seven Step Formula for effective goal setting and create a powerful vision board and simple project sheet.

    • Module 4: Take meaningful Action
      Apply an amazing four step process to convert your TOP Goals into executable monthly, weekly and daily action plans that deliver.

    • Module 5: Record the Results
      Understand the value of Personal Development, Mind Focus and Daily Reflection as you monitor and evaluate your progress results.

    • Module 6: Wealth Creation
      Compile your own G.O.O.D. Plan as you prepare for Financial Freedom so that you can begin to become a Wealth Creator.

    • Module 7: MAP YOUR LIFE in 20-Days
      Overview of the implementation and accreditation process to be followed to receive certification from the MAP4LIFE Institute.

    Additional Modules

    • Module 8: Products & Services
      Find out more about the various tools and training programs that you can offer your clients as you build your MAP4LIFE Business.

    • Module 9: Sales & Marketing
      Learn about various marketing materials and sales aids that help you to present a professional image and succeed.

    • Module 10: Business Model
      Establish what aspect of the MAP4LIFE Opportunity is ideally suited to your hopes and aspirations.

    Who Should Attend

    Everyone who has a passion for people or personal development and has a love to train, coach or mentor individuals, teams or groups to achieve their dreams and pursue their purpose should GRAB THEIR SEAT.


    A good understanding and comprehension of English is a prerequisite for our Mastery Program. However, materials have been translated into other languages to suit your clients.



    What is included

    • Course Materials
      Program notes and presentation workbook are provided to each participant.

    • Sample Products
      One electronic copy of MAP4LIFE Launchpad, Pathfinder and Blueprint will be provided.

    • Presentation Tools
      A complete set of PowerPoint presentations is issued electronically on completing 20-Day...

    • Video Recordings
      Pre-recorded videos of the training will be made available when completion certificate is issued.

    • Branded Materials
      Accredited trainers will receive access to a host of branded templates.

    Programme Composition $750

    • MAP4LIFE Methodology $200
      You will be provided with four weeks of training, including the 20-Day programme.

    • READINESS Programme $200
      You will be given access to the various presentation modules to prepare your delivery of the BASIC Training Modules 1-3.

    • ACCREDITATION Process $150
      After completion of the above two 4-week programmes, you will be required to teach 20 people the methodology after which your presenter will evaluate your delivery.

    • ANNUAL Subscription $200
      An annual subscription of $200 will become due on the annual anniversary of your accreditation certificate being issued.

    • RESPOSIBILE Associateship
      You will be required to register each person you coach as a Member with MAP4LIFE upon which they will gain access to the 20-Day Programme in support of your coaching.


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    We look forward to welcoming you to our team. Let us TOUCH LIVES and TRANSFORM PEOPLE.

    Copyright since 1999. All Rights Reserved By MAP4LIFE Institute